Ubisoft to Blend JRPG with 2D Side-Scrolling in Child of Light

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.08.2013 2

Ubisoft to Blend JRPG with 2D Side-Scrolling in Child of Light on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft director Patrick Plourde has announced a new, smaller download title that's inspired by classic JRPGs.

Called Child of Light, the game was announced during GDC Europe and is pitched as a hybrid between a 2D side-scroller and a traditional RPG turn-based battle system - likened to a mix of Limbo and Final Fantasy VI. Not much else was revealed, though according to Polygon, Child of Light will start a female protagonist and use the same visual engine as Rayman Origins - the Ubi Art Framework.

It wasn't confirmed which platforms Child of Light would be available on, so fingers crossed on a Nintendo eShop release at somepoint.

What are your thoughts on the Child of Light concept?

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Fingers crossed indeed, nowadays it's a miracle for a game to be announced for Wii U .-.

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A Side-scrolling RPG in the vein of Ys III would be right up my alley Smilie. Hope the music is good too!

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