Why is Call of Duty: Ghosts Heading to Nintendo Wii U?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.08.2013 8

Why is Call of Duty: Ghosts Heading to Nintendo Wii U? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With various third party publishers skipping Wii U, just why is Activision bringing Call of Duty: Ghosts to Nintendo's platform?

The answer, according to Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg in an interview, is that "we want to do everything we can to make the first-party successful" and that Activision believe that generally they are a "very kind of platform agnostic company. We generally try to be wherever our gamers want to play."

The move, bringing Ghosts to the Wii U, is aimed at helping Nintendo "gain some momentum", something that other third-party publishers have avoided.

Will you be picking up Call of Duty: Ghosts on Wii U later this year?

Box art for Call of Duty: Ghosts

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



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Maddogg (guest) 20.08.2013#1

Black Ops 2 on the Wii U was the first CoD I have ever owned. I have played the others but it never really appealed to me. But playing Black Ops2 while the Misses watches some reality TV rubbish is awesome. I will be buying Ghosts mostly because I think 3rd party support with games like these is great for a system that if you own you soon see is actually great.

Thats why Need 4 Speed is on my console. and why I have Assasians Creed and Mass Effect 3 too ( ME3 should have been the trilogy tho)

erc (guest) 20.08.2013#2

I wish DICE and EA would have the good faith here.  Really enjoy Battlefield over COD

Wow, those were some unexpected kind words towards Nintendo and Wii U. You don't hear that very often anymore. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Yeah, that was the system I bought it for considering I own a pc and a 360. I thought the Wii U's version was fine.

It kind of makes me want to pick up Ghosts. I wasn't really planning on it as I have BO2 for Wii U, but I'll think about it.

Really, really hopes Ghosts does relatively well on Wii U - there is a demand for third party offerings - just needs more people picking up the console - which is still an issue given the lack of advertising.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well its in their best interests in the long run so yea...and besides with little else on FPS front on the Wii U COD:G will provide a plug in a massive hole!

I'll certainly be picking this up! I haven't played a Splinter Cell game in years but I always enjoyed them. I just hope it isn't too expensive over here in Japan... foreign games seem to sell for a good 2000 sometimes 3000 yen more than homegrown games. 

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