Zelda: The Wind Waker Wii U Weighs 2.6GB, Supports Wii U Pro Controller, 1080p

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.08.2013 2

Zelda: The Wind Waker Wii U Weighs 2.6GB, Supports Wii U Pro Controller, 1080p  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have posted specs for those wanting to download The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD digitally.

When The Wind Waker HD surfaces later this year, Nintendo will also release the title on the Wii U eShop for those wanting to download it. The game itself will clock in around 2.6GB worth of textures, animations and whatnot. Additionally, the game will fully support the Wii U Pro controller, but will not include Wii Remote compatibility.

The entire experience will render at lovely 1080p to bring a slice of colourful adventuring to the living room.

Will you be playing The Wind Waker on a traditional retail disc or digitally?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





Action Adventure



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NintendoFan#??? (guest) 19.08.2013#1

Does anybody know if WiiU supports pc monitors for output? And pc speakers for output, since my monitor doesn't output sound?

I don't have a television anymore and am looking forward to playing Wind Waker again in HD(I'm sure it will be incredibly graphically...the original is still one of my favourite graphic game masterpieces with all the beautiful colours), amongst other WiiU games, especially the new Nintendo platformers. Really hoping there is an easy/cheap way to connect WiiU to standard pc output. Smilie

The Wii U only outputs sound over HDMI - there is no separate audio out. The only possible way I can think of that MIGHT do what you want is with this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Converter-Adapter-Desktops-Power-Free-Raspberry/dp/B009CRN810/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
You'll also need an HDMI to HDMI coupler to join the Wii U HDMI lead to the HDMI off the converter. I really don't know what the results will be, but I think it's probably your only shot without upgrading your monitor to an HDMI enabled one. It's up to you whether you think £12 for the converter and HDMI coupler is worth the punt.

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