Pokémon: The Origin Animé Series to Air in Japan, Covers Original Game Boy Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.08.2013 15

Pokémon: The Origin Animé Series to Air in Japan, Covers Original Game Boy Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Pokémon fans will be able to watch a new adaptation of the original Pokémon games without Ash with a new show airing in Japan this October.

It's currently uncertain whether it'll form part of a spin-off series, or is intended to be a one-off special, but Pokémon: The Origin (or Pocket Monsters: The Origin) will feature protagonist Red, going up against rival Green. The storyline will follow the original Kanto games closely - Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green, as released in Japan on the Game Boy many moons ago,.

Brock was also shown, but resembles his game look more than the original animé series version.


What are your thoughts on Origin - would you like to see a localised version and a full series?

Box art for Pokémon Red and Blue

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If it's more like the short anime released for Black and White 2 then I'd love a full series of it. Smilie

Fantastic!! I've been hoping for a different kind of Pokémon anime since forever Smilie even if it's just an OVA or something, I hope it's so successful that they make one for each gen! I'd love to see the Gen2 or 4 characters in this wonderful Sugimori-inspired style :3

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I am sooo hyped for this, sounds like what I always wanted the Pokémon anime to be! Hopefully it'll be a full series, not just a special!

Ikana said:
I am sooo hyped for this, sounds like what I always wanted the Pokémon anime to be! Hopefully it'll be a full series, not just a special!

This one's confirmed to be just a special. More details.

Hopefully if it's a smash hit they'll consider doing more.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Ikana said:
I am sooo hyped for this, sounds like what I always wanted the Pokémon anime to be! Hopefully it'll be a full series, not just a special!

This one's confirmed to be just a special. More details.

Hopefully if it's a smash hit they'll consider doing more.

Yeah, I just noticed that on Serebii. :/ Oh well, still looks awesome, hope they will make a G/S and R/S one as well!

Personally I really wanna see a D/P/Pt one. Sinnoh is great and I feel like Dawn and Cynthia were ruined by the main anime :/ I wanna see how awesome they'd be in a faithful production.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'd love to see one for each generation - G/S and R/S are just my personal favourites. Smilie Nostalgia may have a lot to do with it, but I still play my Sapphire version every now and then.

Any idea how long the special will be? I'm hoping movie length, I want to see as much of the original game included as possible!

I'm hoping movie length too.. but I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Most anime OVA "movies" are 20-30 minutes even for big series'.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Charizard looks morbidly obese.

without ash this will be totally a different kind of anime.i will love to have it.

Awesome! Smilie
I hope they stick to the original 151 for now,

Cheesing it up said:
Awesome! Smilie
I hope they stick to the original 151 for now,

I think they'll stick with giving the other regions and Pokémon passing mentions rather than any focus, at least I hope that's what they do. I like when things are cohesive or when each gen doesn't exist in its own little bubble so acknowledging things is fine for me even if all they don't show any non-Kanto Pokémon or characters at all.

But hey, that's just me.

( Edited 17.08.2013 19:54 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Cheesing it up said:
Awesome! grinI hope they stick to the original 151 for now,
I think they'll stick with giving the other regions and Pokémon passing mentions rather than any focus, at least I hope that's what they do. I like when things are cohesive or when each gen doesn't exist in its own little bubble so acknowledging things is fine for me even if all they don't show any non-Kanto Pokémon or characters at all.But hey, that's just me.
Yeah, I squee a little when characters / locations from other generations are mentioned, does give a better feel of a cohesive universe. The link you posted earlier has this:
He also encounters the evil organization Team Rocket in the Pokemon Tower, and has a grand battle with its leader Giovanni and encounters a yet-unheard of Pokemon?!

So I guess a 6th gen Pokémon will cameo? Unless it just means Mewtwo or Mew or something.

( Edited 17.08.2013 22:50 by Ikana )

Ikana said:

So I guess a 6th gen Pokémon will cameo? Unless it just means Mewtwo or Mew or something.

I'm guessing it's Mewtwo or Mew, Red encountered Mew in the first chapter of the manga which was a great hook, so it'd be a solid throwback.

Still, a hint at a new 6th gen Pokémon that relates to Gen1 mythos would be fantastic. Smilie

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Finally we'll get to see decent-trainer Red, rather than the mediocre Ash Ketchum...

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