Momonga Pinball Adventures Rolls Squirrels onto Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.08.2013 3

Momonga Pinball Adventures Rolls Squirrels onto Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie studio Paladin has confirmed to Cubed3 today that Momonga Pinball Adventures will be released on the Nintendo Wii U eShop.

The title isn't set to be your bog-standard Pinball affair either, as the studio pitched the idea of a little flying squirrel that takes on the forces to evil. Momonga Pinball Adventures is an action-adventure game with story and bosses, with a "healthy dose of flipper action". Players will use flippers to propel the rolling squirrel into enemies and across the varied and colourful environments.

Paladin also confirmed that the project will be shown by Nintendo in the coming weeks.


What are your thoughts on the Momonga Pinball Adventures concept?

Box art for Momonga Pinball Adventures








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It seems like Nintendo's reach to mobile developers is paying off!

lol, the idea seems nice for pinball adventures.looking forward to the game.

Love it

( Edited 16.08.2013 23:23 by folkilsk )

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