Nintendo 3DS Owners Can Upload Screens from More Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.08.2013 2

Nintendo 3DS Owners Can Upload Screens from More Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo 3DS owners now have the ability to upload snaps of more of their favourite titles to Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.

The web-based service, which launched earlier this year for Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Tomodachi Collection, has been updated for players to upload screenshots from other games that support the feature - including Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone, Crashmo and Style Savvy: Trendsetters - according to Siliconera.

In order to do so, simply visit on the Nintendo 3DS browser, search for a screenshot on the 3DS console, select a social network and upload.

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Friend (guest) 14.08.2013#1

Nice innovation, sort of a print screen button, but better. And online as well. Awesome Smilie

Not sure why Siliconera is reporting this as new (they also refer to it as an app, which it is not either).

You have always been able to upload screenshots from those other games and it even mentioned it was possible to do so on Nintendo's website (that's how I first discovered you could, way back in June).

On a side note, while I love the screenshot features, I also hate them because I become obsessed with taking pictures during games Smilie

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