Super Metroid-Inspired Ghost Song Gets Wii U Kickstarter Goal

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.08.2013

Super Metroid-Inspired Ghost Song Gets Wii U Kickstarter Goal on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Another indie project has added a Wii U stretch goal to the mix, Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope.

The project is pitched as a "beautiful 2D sci-fi metroidvania about love, hope, and redemption", a 2D side-scrolling game that's inspired by Nintendo's much loved Super Metroid. Players explore a large, open-ended world called Lorian V, a place that's haunted be the souls of its victims. Their ghosts linger about whilst their bodies roam as "vessels of chaos and aggression".

The initial goal of $15,000 has already been passed, with a new $60,000 target set for a potential Nintendo Wii U version.


What are your thoughts on Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope - will you pledge support for project?

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