The Wonderful 101 Demo and New Wii U Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.08.2013 8

The Wonderful 101 Demo and New Wii U Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo held a specific broadcast to highlight the super-hero, mass action title The Wonderful 101 today.

During the show, Platinum Games' Hideki Kamiya revealed a lengthy trailer for the game in action, which includes a look at the lead characters, heated and strategic battles plus epic boss sequences. Alongside the new footage and details, Nintendo have also launched a 15-turn demo on the Wii U eShop for those who wish to sample the quirky delights of The Wonderful 101 first-hand.



What are your thoughts on the game, will you be setting out to save the world in The Wonderful 101?

Box art for The Wonderful 101








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I've played the regular demo four times and one round of the mission mode so far and I have to definitely doesn't disappoint and is quite wonderful indeed. The game looks fantastic and runs very smoothly with no dips from 60FPS and the action is really satisfying and challenging on Normal difficulty. The controls are great too but I fear it'll be another situation like Kid Icarus: Uprising where some people simply can't handle them, though there definitely is a learning curve to it for everyone else. I got a Bronze Award in my first run and a Gold Award in my second, in which I was already stringing together some good combos, quickly dodging enemy attacks and the like.

It's definitely a potential candidate for my Game of the Year 2013. It has to go up against Fire Emblem: Awakening but I'd say its chances are looking pretty damn good so far.

( Edited 09.08.2013 21:51 by SirLink )

This looks insanely good, this is what you get when you give platinum games a massive budget

To be honest, I had no interest in this game up until this point. After watching that direct, I am reaaallly looking forward to playing it. Gonna go download the demo now!

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

I have finished the demo a few times now and absolutely love it. Initially I thought it was a bit confusing and the controls were cumbersome but then after a bit of trial and error it all clicked! That is why I think it was such a great idea to release the demo....after playing it for a while it works so well and there are so many cool things that PlatGames have put into this! I will be buying at release for sure Smilie

When in doubt....Whip it out!

Hynaman said:
I have finished the demo a few times now and absolutely love it. Initially I thought it was a bit confusing and the controls were cumbersome but then after a bit of trial and error it all clicked! That is why I think it was such a great idea to release the demo....after playing it for a while it works so well and there are so many cool things that PlatGames have put into this! I will be buying at release for sure Smilie

Absolutely. If there's one Wii U game that needed a demo this year, it's this one. No doubt the learning curve will immediately turn some people off as well but that's just how it is. I was sold on this game since E3 but I think this trailer helped a lot for people who were on the fence, heck I've even seen quite a lot say that they weren't interested at all before but want to play it now.

The key thing to get down is use X to stun then go about drawing stuff.

The game plays like okami and looks like viewtiful joe.


You can actually unlock Wonder Pink and Wonder Yellow for the Mission Mode in the demo! I'll have to try this out later...

( Edited 10.08.2013 18:15 by SirLink )

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