Nintendo Direct Recap: Zelda, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and more!

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.08.2013 1

Nintendo Direct Recap: Zelda, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and more! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Missed the latest Nintendo Direct presentation or wish to catch-up on the news? Here's your one-stop 3DS/Wii U recap.

Nintendo took the digital stage once again to remind fans of what's in store for the remainder of 2013 on both Nintendo WIi U and 3DS, including The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Etrian Odyssey IV, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Sonic Lost World and Rayman Legends.

There were also a few teasers including confirmation that Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is leaving Japan for Europe/North America in 2014.

Europe Nintendo Direct Presentation


North America Nintendo Direct Presentation


General Updates

Image for Nintendo Direct Recap: Zelda, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and more!

Wii U Updates

  • Nintendo showed a meaty new trailer for Pokémon Rumble U, confirming upcoming incentives to release passwords to unlock certain Pokémon in the game. Poké Rumble U is out 15th August in Europe and 29th August in North America.
  • New gameplay for Rayman Legends was shown, including a first look at a bonus Mario costume for Rayman and Luigi look for Globox. The game launches 30th August in Europe and September 3rd in North America.
  • Nintendo also showed more of Art Academy: Sketchpad, an interactive app with a full range of art tools to allow players to create full-colour works to share to Miiverse.
  • More footage from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD was shown, with a 4th October release date set. North America is still listed as October.
  • Nintendo also included a huge range of Indie titles on the way to the Wii U eShop in a new show reel.
  • A dedicated Nintendo Direct for The Wonderful 101 will air at 4pm CEST on 9th August.
  • Nintendo launched the Animal Crossing Plaza, a new social hub for Wii U players and Animal Crossing fans. As a free eShop download, it lets players upload photos from New Leaf onto Miiverse and find posts about specific animals.
Image for Nintendo Direct Recap: Zelda, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and more!
Image for Nintendo Direct Recap: Zelda, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and more!

Nintendo 3DS Updates

  • Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy was set for an 8th November release in Europe and is scheduled for 2014 in North America.
  • Nintendo surprised fans with an announcement that Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney will land sometime in 2014 in Europe/US.
  • A new Animal Crossing: New Leaf: Welcome a Friend Promotion launched in Europe to allow fans to recommend new 3DS XL owners to receive a free New Leaf download.
    [li]Nintendo also had a new look at the KORG MO1D, a digital music workstation on the way to Nintendo 3DS.
  • Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan out 30th August, whilst Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers is out 13th September.
  • The classic Super Mario Bros. 2 is now on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console. Super Mario Bros. 3 is due later this year.
  • The classic Japanese rare shooter Summer Carnival '92: RECCA is heading to the eShop on 15th August.
Image for Nintendo Direct Recap: Zelda, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and more!

What are your favourite announcements and games shown during the latest Nintendo Direct presentation?

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It has to be said, im really not feeling much Wii U love from even nintendo now... there are game on the horizon yes, forever on the horizon.... but not many, and other than the animal crossing plaza thing, there was nothing really said we didn't know... all i really want to know is are there titles coming and what the word on release date, i don't need to know the plot, that's what playing the game is for. The only thing i wanted to know was if Europe is getting the pokemon rumble toys, because id buy them all but we didn't even get that. Lots of 3ds love of course, still nothing to make me happy i got a Wii U at launch though.

I couldn't care about ubisoft less anymore so wont be getting rayman, yes we know sonic is coming, atleast that looks good, Zelda WW HD... ok... its the same game... sort of pointless when they could just start releasing gamecube VC games with alittle upscaling and get the same reception and more. And Wonderful 101.... i really don't know, im sure its fun but i really don't think its going to be a run away success i think they expect it to be. 

I've been a more than loyal Nintendo fan for 25 years, i stuck with them though gamecube, put up with Wii... but now i'm only now starting to loose hope and interest. All the creativity seems to be going into how the game are played but not the games themselves. It's just the same IPs over and over with little true new content and all the titles that would change my mind dont even have a relese date still. Brawl was overdue and not worth the wait, i fear the new smash will be entierly too late.

( Edited 08.08.2013 02:02 by welshwuff )

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