Paint Beautiful Miiverse Pictures with Art Academy: Sketchpad on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.08.2013 2

Paint Beautiful Miiverse Pictures with Art Academy: Sketchpad on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Artists rejoice! Nintendo have a new digital canvas to play with in an app to be released on Nintendo Wii U.

From 9th August Art Academy: SketchPad will allow budding artists, both new and experienced, to use a range of innovative digital tools on the Wii U GamePad to create stunning pieces of digital art - paint, pencils and more are available.

A full version of Art Academy is also in development for WIi U and will contain interactive tutorials and more.

Artwork penned in SketchPad can then be uploaded to Miiverse for all to see, in beautiful full colour.


Will you be going hands-on with Art Academy: SketchPad on Nintendo Wii U?

Box art for Art Academy: Sketchpad








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Nice, but what about the price? I cant imagine paying more than €5 for this.

I can't wait to see what people come up with. People have already created some really incredible drawings using just basic black and white tools. Empowering them with a full range of colors and techniques it going to produce some seriously amazing works of art.

Canyarion said:
Nice, but what about the price? I cant imagine paying more than €5 for this.

$3.99 in North America

( Edited 08.08.2013 03:44 by Sonic_13 )

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