Splinter Cell Wii U Lacks Offline Co-operative Support

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2013 5

Splinter Cell Wii U Lacks Offline Co-operative Support on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft have commented on the Wii U features of Splinter Cell: Blacklist and it's missing offline co-operative play.

Speaking to NintendoLife, the studio confirmed that there will be a handful of GamePad-specific extras like direct use of Sam Fisher's OPSAT computer and an inventory interface. The controller will also make use of the GamePad microphone for on-line co-operative play and chat.

The Nintendo Wii U version is also said to be receiving the same treatment when it comes to DLC support, compared to the other formats.

The big deal breaker? The Wii U version won't include offline co-op, "in order to ship at the same time as the other consoles". However off-TV play will also be fully supported, except for the offline co-op.

Has the decision to omit co-op play on the GamePad changed your outlook on the Wii U version?

Box art for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist








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Ceejay (guest) 05.08.2013#1

No I still love my Wii U. I wish these writers would stop trying to subliminally deter people from Nintendo!

No offline, but at least it has online! I'm usually complaining that games have no online co-op, so yeah.. the removal of offline co-op doesn't bother me. Now... if only I was actually interested in picking this game up..

So Ubisoft has no problem delaying Rayman Legends like half a year (to a month where it'll get slaughtered by other games, no less) so it can be released at the same time on the PS3/360/PC but they can't delay Splinter Cell a month or so to make sure the Wii U version ships with all the features alongside the other versions? Seems legit.

I'd rather offline be excluded than online, but maybe offline co-op could be released in an update? 

Also, I saw someone post this on Ign. I thought it was funny. "The title of this article should have been, '360, PS3, XB1, PS4, PC versions of Splinter Cell missing unique and superior control interface.'" - BAM. Lawyered

( Edited 06.08.2013 03:51 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Such a weird idea to omit it - it's like they want it to flop. Weirdoes!

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