Could Zelda: The Wind Waker Up the Difficulty?

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.07.2013 7

Could Zelda: The Wind Waker Up the Difficulty? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker may receive an additional difficulty level.

Alongside the control refinements, inventory management and a handful of small extras, the remake of The Wind Waker may well include a harder challenge for series fans.

The listing for the game on Amazon, spotted by IGN, states that The Wind Waker HD will include a "more challenging difficulty level". It's uncertain whether this would simply be increased damage taken from enemies/obstacles or if it would mean a "Master Quest" mode.

Nintendo has yet to confirm the extra mode at time of writing.

The game is also priced at $59.99 on the retailer.

Would you like a harder difficulty/Master Quest mode for The Wind Waker?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





Action Adventure



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I would kill for a Wind Waker master quest. Something tells me that Nintendo wouldn't bother though :-(

If it is just a hard mode with tougher enemies, I hope we don't have to complete it on normal before we can access it :-S

I'd love to see WW get a Master Quest upgrade, but I agree - will probably just be a "hard" mode.

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Bucky (guest) 01.08.2013#3

It will only be increased damage. If they were going to be adding a Master Quest mode they would have announced it already since they know the WiiU could use any good news.

Still not good enough. For $59.99 I want new content. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I'd settle for the nixed dungeons. 

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The did explain they were reused in other games, so it cant be the same nixed dungoens.

Still, Links Awakening on the GBC got extra content over the original - two new dungeons.
Nintendo doesnt seem tot think like that anymore though :-/ <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Well now that they've confirmed Hero Mode... I don't know if I'm man enough to actually attempt it. Sounds more tedious and annoying than challenging. 

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Do a Barrel Roll!<

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