Nintendo Has Strong Software Performance for First Half 2013 in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.07.2013 7

Nintendo Has Strong Software Performance for First Half 2013 in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Famitsu Magazine has published sales data for the first six months of this year, with Nintendo performing well.

Whilst the Wii U hardware sales are still unstable in Japan, the company has been performing well for software overall across multiple platforms. Games like New Super Mario Bros. U and Animal Crossing: New Leaf were particularly strong platformers, especially given the fact that digital sales data isn't included in the figures.

For software sold in Japan throughout the first half of 2013, Nintendo came out on top with 5.19 million units sold, eclipsing all other publishers in the region.

The top three titles for each platform, from Famitsu Magazine, are as follows:

Nintendo 3DS

1. Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 1.37 million
2. Dragon Quest VII - 1.21 million
3. Tomodachi Collection - 1.20 million

Nintendo Wii U

1. New Super Mario Bros. U - 140,000
2. Nintendo Land - 110,000
3. Dragon Quest X - 70,000

Nintendo Wii

1. Taiko Drum Master - 190,000
2. Mario Party 9 - 50,000
3. Wii Sports Resort - 40,000

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Even though Nintendo is in a pretty weak place in Japan currently (it hasn't had any big releases since Animal Crossing which was a while back) this sort of thing proves that even in Nintendo's weakest years they still make a big impact. I doubt they're going anywhere anytime soon, even with all these critics and gamers everywhere saying "Nintendo are doomed" or "Nintendo has no choice but to go third party", they still are far from unsuccessful. There is a middle ground between "huge success" and "losing all their money" y'know? Smilie

They're just.. not as successful as they were with the Wii and DS. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I doubt they're going anywhere anytime soon, even with all these critics and gamers everywhere saying "Nintendo are doomed" or "Nintendo has no choice but to go third party", they still are far from unsuccessful. There is a middle ground between "huge success" and "losing all their money" y'know? Smilie

I forget if it was posted here or IGN, but there was a video from a news program back in 1990 or 1991 about how all these toy analysts (I guess no video game analysts back then) had big doubts that Nintendo would survive the transition from the NES to the SNES.

EDIT: Found it!

"Could this holiday be Nintendo's last?" - December 1990

(Also, Howard Phillips has an awesome job title!)

( Edited 24.07.2013 15:59 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:

I forget if it was posted here or IGN, but there was a video from a news program back in 1990 or 1991 about how all these toy analysts (I guess no video game analysts back then) had big doubts that Nintendo would survive the transition from the NES to the SNES.

I know I've posted it before but I'm not sure if it was here or not.



Nintendo have been "doomed" with video games since 1990. A company who has been making popular toys since 1889 of course has ways to tread water even in the toughest of times, they're not going anywhere.

( Edited 24.07.2013 15:59 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe I did see it from you.

Not exactly related, but while looking for the video I came across this one in 1991: Parents bringing their kids to therapy because they are starting to love playing video games. Smilie



Incidentally, Japanese sales this week;

01./00. [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Dream Team # (Nintendo) {2013.07.18} (¥4.800) - 99.972 / NEW 
02./02. [3DS] Youkai Watch (Level 5) {2013.07.11} (¥4.800) - 29.102 / 82.756 (-46%)
03./01. [WIU] Pikmin 3 (Nintendo) {2013.07.13} (¥5.985) - 28.513 / 121.233 (-69%)
04./00. [3DS] Little Battlers eXperience W: Ultra Custom (Level 5) {2013.07.18} (¥4.400) - 27.242 / NEW 
05./04. [3DS] Friend Collection: New Life # (Nintendo) {2013.04.18} (¥4.800) - 26.799 / 1.286.646 (+3%)
06./03. [PS3] Earth Defense Force 2025 (D3 Publisher) {2013.07.04} (¥6.980) - 20.255 / 211.968 (-45%)
07./06. [PSV] Toukiden # (Koei Tecmo) {2013.06.27} (¥6.090) - 12.953 / 199.916 (-38%)
08./05. [WIU] New Super Luigi U (Nintendo) {2013.07.13} (¥3.885) - 12.132 / 37.014 (-51%)
09./00. [PSP] Toukiden (Koei Tecmo) {2013.06.27} (¥5.040) - 11.008 / 129.412 
10./10. [3DS] Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (Nintendo) {2013.06.13} (¥4.800) - 10.826 / 217.148 (-16%)

Nintendo dominating the top5

Hardware top 5:

System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| 3DS # | 57.025 | 43.435 | 44.399 | 2.079.931 | 2.280.728 | 11.859.811 |
| PSV | 14.392 | 15.662 | 11.932 | 591.096 | 403.870 | 1.721.921 |
| WIU | 14.280 | 22.199 | | 377.731 | | 1.005.018 |
| PS3 | 11.413 | 12.698 | 15.214 | 509.093 | 681.132 | 9.369.177 |
| PSP # | 5.719 | 5.830 | 13.058 | 314.414 | 478.743 | 19.943.425 |

Good to see the PSV and the Wii U managing to outsell the PS3. Hopefully this will begin to indicate a good turnaround for both, as the PSV has finally been picking up lately too.

In the west, the 3DS has only just managed to start outselling all other consoles each month, and it's well-deserved too. Its success has been gradual but it is mega I assume it'll get far better when Pokémon launches in a few months.

As for the Wii U, only time will tell if it gets better or worse again.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's so funny, now the people who were saying that Pikmin 3 isn't a system seller are already back. How that makes any sense is beyond me. Pikmin 3 made hardware sales triple last week and this week they're still twice as high as usual. Now if almost no change happened in Wii U sales, then that argument would actually make sense.

I hate the term system seller anyway. It's a steady stream of great games that makes all the difference and not just a single game, which is why even a game as big as New Super Mario. Bros U. wasn't able to carry the Wii U through the first half of this year. It's precisely why the 3DS is doing so well this year as it had one or more major releases each month. Nintendo's plan for the rest of the year is to replicate that strategy for the Wii U, so I hope it works out for them and it really should if they back it all up with good advertising.

Richard (guest) 29.07.2013#7

But without the figures for the top three games on on PS Vita and PS3 for comparison these figures are kind of meaningless?

On the face of it the 3DS is looking pretty strong despite stiff competition from smartphones and tablets  but the WiiU is looking like the new gamecube, assuming at least half of those Nintendo Land sales are bundled with the WiiU its barley matching the Wii in terms of software sales.

They need to drop the region lock, discontinue all but the premium bundle, give Nintendo Land away free with every console (like they did Wii Sports with the Wii) and cut the price by a £100.

The Wii was a huge success because it was a simple proposition one console, one price point, bundled with software that showcased its potential. This time around the average punter doesn't even realise the WiiU is a new console, they just think its a Wii bundled with an expensive peripheral that looks a bit like a table!

Still my guess is as long as Ninetendo make a profit on every WiiU sold, they don't mind coming a distant 3rd this time around as they have a enough first party exclusives to make third party support irrelevant...

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