Latest Nintendo Wii U, 3DS Deals and Offers - 21/07/2013!

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.07.2013 7

Latest Nintendo Wii U, 3DS Deals and Offers - 21/07/2013! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It can be tricky to find the best value for money on the latest games, especially with so much competition between stores. Fear not, Nintendo gamers! We've scoured the deepest regions of the internet for the latest deals and lowest online prices for this week's trending Wii U, 3DS games, consoles and accessories.

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      Speaking of deals... what do you guys think of this??

      I preordered Pikmin 3 on because I had a 15% off coupon. They initially listed it as €48, so with the coupon it was €40.80 or so.

      Now it turns out the game is a lot cheaper to start with, €39.99.
      I expect my 15% coupon to work on their base price. So that would make it €34 or so. But I'm afraid they won't have any of that, and just offer me the price of €39.99, arguing that it's lower than what I expected to pay.

      Do you have experience with stuff like that??? Also, isn't it weird that I already paid the game right when I pre-ordered it?

      Canyarion said:
      Speaking of deals... what do you guys think of this??

      I preordered Pikmin 3 on because I had a 15% off coupon. They initially listed it as €48, so with the coupon it was €40.80 or so.

      Now it turns out the game is a lot cheaper to start with, €39.99.
      I expect my 15% coupon to work on their base price. So that would make it €34 or so. But I'm afraid they won't have any of that, and just offer me the price of €39.99, arguing that it's lower than what I expected to pay.

      Do you have experience with stuff like that??? Also, isn't it weird that I already paid the game right when I pre-ordered it?

      Contact them and ask them to honour the lowest current price. That's really how it should work. You'll either have to get a refund and "repurchase" (though the code may have expired now) or they could perhaps pay you back the difference. Not sure how it would work, or if they will go through with it, since they've already  taken money off you, but if you're polite about it, they should do.

      Depends where you order from with regards to taking money straight away for pre-orders. For example, if you pre-order at ShopTo or Amazon, they will charge you right when the game ships, but if the current price drops or increases during the time you pre-ordered, you will always pay the lowest price it dropped to. I believe paying with Paypal will always force you to pay straight away, too, so always best to just enter your card details when pre-ordering incase you do cancel. Everywhere is different, though, so make sure to check beforehand. I would normally never pre-order if I have to pay there and then.

      Thanks... I already mailed them and told them I kind of expect the price of €34... but their answer was pretty vague. So I think I'll have to give some more arguments, like how they lured me in with a 15% discount, which I would end up not getting.

      But before that I wanted to ask opinions of others. Perhaps I'm expecting too much. Smilie

      Canyarion said:
      Thanks... I already mailed them and told them I kind of expect the price of €34... but their answer was pretty vague. So I think I'll have to give some more arguments, like how they lured me in with a 15% discount, which I would end up not getting.

      But before that I wanted to ask opinions of others. Perhaps I'm expecting too much. Smilie

      It they don't budge, go public Smilie I find posting on a Facebook wall and/or Twitter with a strong argument usually does the trick!

      Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

      £167 for a White Wii Remote Plus??? Smilie

      By the way... I don't understand the NSLU price. In the States, it's €20 for the download, €30 for the disc. I assume it's €20 for the download here... but > £29 for the disc? That's stupid. I've seen it on other sites for €38...
      The price better drop, or I'll be forced to go for the eShop one after all.

      Flynnie said:
      £167 for a White Wii Remote Plus??? Smilie

      Bargain! Must be made of diamonds xD

      ( Edited 21.07.2013 22:28 by LKR000 )

      Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
      3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

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