Sonic Lost World Euro and US Release Dates Plus the Ability to Turn into a Bird

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.07.2013 3

Sonic Lost World Euro and US Release Dates Plus the Ability to Turn into a Bird on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA has confirmed the North America and European release dates for the upcoming Sonic Lost World.

Both regions will zip back into the bright and bold world of Sonic the Hedgehog this October. Europe receives the game slightly earlier on October 18th, with the game sliding into the US on October 22nd. The latest footage shows a wealth of new colour powers, including the ability to fly and use innate rhythmic abilities to bounce along as a musical mote.

Sonic Lost World is heading exclusively to Wii U and 3DS this year.


Will you tackle the sinister six in Sonic Lost World later this year?

Box art for Sonic Lost World

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Earlier than I was expecting. I thought it was previously coming out in December or so (I think they officially mentioned Holiday).

Sonic_13 said:
Earlier than I was expecting. I thought it was previously coming out in December or so (I think they officially mentioned Holiday).

Most likely it's October so it won't clash with Super Mario 3D World. Pretty good move, I hope it sells well. I was very interested before but this trailer with the Wisp powers pretty much sold me on it as I loved using those in Sonic Colours.

Looks good, but not quite up there graphically. I know they're trying to be all nostalgic, but it looks really last, last generation in some areas honestly.

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