Pokémon Rumble U Launches on Europe and North America Wii U in August

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.07.2013 1

Pokémon Rumble U Launches on Europe and North America Wii U in August on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed that Pokémon Rumble U will be launching on the Wii U console next month.

The frantic, intense adventure game returns to the living room as players help a toy Pikachu and friends find their way home. The story covers a group of lost Pokémon toy capsules that are swept down a river and washed-up in a strange new location.

There'll be all 649 Pokémon included, multiplayer features and all sorts of mysterious locations to explore including Sparkly Playland, Mysterious Forest, and Blue Sky Park.

Up to four players can tackle the new game together, working together or in head to head battles to see who can defeat/befriend the most critters at one time.

Pokémon Rumble U launches on August 15th in Europe and August 29th in North America as a download-only game on the Nintendo Wii U eShop.

Over in North America, 18 NFC figures to use optionally in the game will be sold exclusively at GameStop stores for $4 each. As for Europe, according to MCV plans are still being decided for the release of the toy figures.

Image for Pokémon Rumble U Launches on Europe and North America Wii U in August
Image for Pokémon Rumble U Launches on Europe and North America Wii U in August

Will you wind up these Poké-toys in Pokémon Rumble U this August?

Box art for Pokémon Rumble U








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release the toys dammit release the toys!

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