The creator of Earthworm Jim, Doug TenNapel, has taken to Facebook to quiz fans on a "what-if" sequel to the popular series.
TenNapel praised Ubisoft's efforts with Rayman Origins and mulitplayer, but feels if a new Earthworm Jim were to include mulitplayer it would "take away from the original character and experience if we're aiming for a first game as a goal". However, the creator acknowledges the traits of modern gamers demanding "gizmoes and gimmicks", so popped the question: "wouldn't a single player EWJ be too simple?"
TenNapel followed up with a post today, stating "definitely 2D with no 3D" and "featuring the same freak show of bad guys... with some new ones just for fun."
Finally, earlier this month he asks fans whether a new Earthworm Jim game should be called "Earthworm Jim 3" or "Earthworm Jim 4" as he doesn't "generally acknowledge EWJ 3 as a real part of the Jim universe".
What are your thoughts - Would you like to see a new, 2D Earthworm Jim on modern hardware?