Warner Bros. are A Nintendo Wii U Believer

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2013 6

Warner Bros. are A Nintendo Wii U Believer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The  folk behind the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins, Warner Bros, have pledged continued support for Nintendo Wii U.

It's been a rough few months for Nintendo and the Wii U, with EA reserving future projects to when the platform starts to perform better, plus questionable support from Activision and Ubisoft.

Speaking to GamesIndustry this week, Martin Tremblay - Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment president - commented on the Wii U situation, confirming that the company are "a believer on the Wii U" and hopes "everybody's going to work out. It's just good for the industry."

After Nintendo's showing at E3, Tremblay is confident that the new content will "re-energize the platform".

What do you think of Tremblay's comments on the Nintendo Wii U?

Box art for Batman: Arkham Origins

Human Head


Warner Bros.





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Glad to hear. I hope Warner Bros benefits from their support of Wii U. I plan on getting Arkham Origins at some point.

In terms of two of their previous multiplatform efforts, the Wii U versions have done well in terms of attach rate.

Batman: Arkham City
PS3 = 5.61%
360 = 4.88%
Wii U = 4.35%

Injustice: Gods Among Us
Wii U = 1.16%
360 = 0.74%
PS3 = 0.58%

He hopes that "everybody's going to work out. It's just good for the industry"? As in, he wants them to join a gym or something? Does he not know that Reggie's body is ready?

Angus said:
He hopes that "everybody's going to work out. It's just good for the industry"? As in, he wants them to join a gym or something? Does he not know that Reggie's body is ready?

Sweating out quality games, no doubt!

Good figures Sonic_13 - interesting actually how decently both titles have performed.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

What's this attach rate saying? 4,35 % of all Wii U users have bought the Batman-game?

Looks like Martin Tremblay is German, considering his English... *g*

( Edited 19.06.2013 09:27 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
What's this attach rate saying? 4,35 % of all Wii U users have bought the Batman-game?

Yes. The attach rate is the percentage of system owners who have the game. So as you said 4.35% of Wii U owners have Batman: Arkham City.

Attach rate is a useful metric for comparing sales of a game across platforms with vastly different install bases.

If you were to compare the raw sales numbers of the games, the system with the lowest install base (in this case Wii U which has an install base ~22x smaller the either the PS3 or 360's) is probably going to have significantly lower sales (although, surprisingly, not always).

This often, unfortunately, leads to baseless accusations that games aren't selling on Wii U because the 150,000 units the Wii U version sold looks paltry compared to the 4 million the PS3 version sold. But then you realize that the Wii U version is actually selling better and that at equivalent install bases, the Wii U version would (theoretically at least) be the top selling version.

It's why getting the install base up is very important but also why third party developers shouldn't give up on the system. In most cases the Wii U version may have (significantly) smaller sales numbers, but is usually selling at the same rate.

Thanks, Sonic.
But the problem is, publishers need overall sales to get money back in to at least cover development cost, so the have to rely on total sales regardless of attach rate. Unfortunately.

But I find it unfair for publishers to whine about lack of install base. They have an install base on Wii of close to 80,000,000 units and 

  • sell a shitload of software and never tell us about it or thank Nintendo or the users for that.
  • throw out crappy games and cry when no one buys these games.

    So Nintendo is always blamed, regardless of their doing.

    They are blamed especially and quite thrillingly, cracjbrainly blamed, when doing great games on their platforms. Third parties say no one is buying the mediocre games of theirs, because of Nintendos crown jewels.
    On Nintendo platforms, throwing out the uptenth iteration of Fifa or Madden or whatever doesn't work that well as on other systems, where even the 300th fps of the same kaboom with window dressing graphics covering the lameness of the ever similar gameplay (much more then Nintendos established franchises have, because they are fresh even with repetition).

  • I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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