E3 2013 | Three New Pokémon X / Y Critters Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2013

E3 2013 | Three New Pokémon X / Y Critters Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Pokémon news continues to pour in during this E3 with three new critters confirmed for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.

These are, in order: Talonflame, Clauncher and Skrel.

Image for E3 2013 | Three New Pokémon X / Y Critters Revealed

Talonflame, as the name suggests, is a bird that evolves from previous generation's Fletchling and is a flying/fire type. It can learn "Brave Bird", but takes damage on attack, and also use it's devastating talons for painful kicks.

Clauncher is a water critter with a very powerful claw, crushing foes and with a good chance of gaining critical hits on opponents.

Skrelp is a new Poison/Water type and can use its form to pretend to be a seaweed and poison enemies that get to close.

Also today during the Pokémon E3 Developer Roundtable the company revealed the new air battles in action.

What are your thoughts on these three new Pokémon for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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