E3 2013 | Wii U Loses Another Exclusive - Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2013 13

E3 2013 | Wii U Loses Another Exclusive - Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director

One of the key third party exclusives touted at this year's E3 Expo has been lost to the multiplatform masses: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut.

The Director's Cut edition, which boasts improvements to the story and gameplay exclusive to the Wii U GamePad, was previously one of the third party releases exclusive to Nintendo's troubled platform. However since demonstrating the title during this year's E3, the game has been confirmed by Square Enix for a release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC later this year.

Wii U will not have exclusive control features either, as these will be implemented using Microsoft's SmartGlass and PlayStation Vita.

What are your thoughts on the news that Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut is no longer Wii U exclusive?

Box art for Deus Ex: Human Revolution



Square Enix





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Always annoying when these companies say they are bring their game to other systems because those fans asked for it, but they never bring anything to Nintendo platforms when Nintendo fans ask for it.

3rd parties are just a bit useless. Don't announce your game as an exclusive if you're gonna go back on your word.

Damn it this just needs to stop, they are giving non Nintendo users less & LESS reasons to own this great system...someone just needs to assasinate the heads of Sony & Microsoft along with all possible successors & be done with it to FORCE them out of the industry...this is just disrespectful to the company who SAVED the gaming industry from ending.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

It was only a exclusive VERSION of a old game. Hardly a big deal.

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Darkflame said:
It was only a exclusive VERSION of a old game. Hardly a big deal.

That's about how I see it too, it's not as big a problem as say... the Rayman Legends case.

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RudyC3 said:
Darkflame said:
It was only a exclusive VERSION of a old game. Hardly a big deal.

That's about how I see it too, it's not as big a problem as say... the Rayman Legends case.

Agreed....still this doesn't help Nintendo system sales AT ALL!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Bucky (guest) 13.06.2013#7

RudyC3 said:
Darkflame said:
It was only a exclusive VERSION of a old game. Hardly a big deal.

That's about how I see it too, it's not as big a problem as say... the Rayman Legends case.

Agreed. The Rayman Legends situation annoys me more because they are delaying the Wii U release so that they can all be released at the same time. Would not have a problem if they had released the Wii U version when originally planned and then release the other versions when they are ready.

Son of a b***... I KNEW they were going to do this. Annoyed isn't the word.

New version or not, it's the principle of the matter that has me so pissed. They said it's going to be exclusive. So it should be exclusive. These freak'n 3rd parties have no integrity. You can't trust anything they say when it comes to support for Nintendo's home consoles.

Wii U hasn't even been out for a full year and it's already lost some key 3rd party exclusives starting with Ninja Gaiden 3: Razer's Edge and Rayman Legends. Or just plain support in general (Wii U owners are totally getting shafted with DOA5: Ultimate after Team Ninja already shafted them on Razer's Edge "exclusivity").

This situation wouldn't be as bad if 3rd parties haven't been pulling this crap for as long and as frequently as they have. And when was the last time you saw an Xbox or Playstation 3rd party exclusive that came to Nintendo's home console "because the fans requested it"? This is complete, and utter bullsh*t.

Bottom line: It's all about the money. They saw just how many gamers were pissing and moaning about having to pick up a Wii U to play this and they realized how much they could make if they went multi-platform. Which is real chicken sh*t on their part.

This just gives people one more reason to not buy a Wii U. Nintendo needs to do something about these situations. Wii U is a stellar system, and I'm getting really sick and tired of all the wasted potential.

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Micks nutts (guest) 15.06.2013#9

Nintendo didn't lose anything. Deus ex didn't seem commercially viable on ps3 and 360. But obviously it turns out it is. Square Enix is in financial difficulty so anything that can can help them out they are going to do. NOW. On the topic of which version of the game to get. Smart glass is a joke so 360 is out. And ps vita is an expensive controller if you haven't got one. So wii u seems like the choice for me. (I own all current home systems)

wii u Hater (guest) 19.06.2013#10

I'm glad, the wii u is just a waste of time. I don't know why nintendo even bother.

Replication (guest) 19.06.2013#11

Thank god. People who bought the original and don't have a Wii-U deserve to be able to fix their game as well. The boss battles were nearly game ruiningly bad, and it would be ridiculous for purchasers of the original to not be able to play a version of the game that has features that should have been there in the first place.

Kaihaku (guest) 20.06.2013#12

I don't mind that this game is going multiplatform but what I lost was the chance to play this game in May when it was suppose to be released. It's the delay, not the loss of exclusivity, that upsets me. I had this preordered...I was looking forward to a strong single player game to occupy my time during the Wii U's software drought. Why not release it for the Wii U on schedule and then release it multiplatform a few months later when those versions are ready? Oh, right, Microsoft and their policy that third party games can't be released for the Xbox if they appear on other systems first.

frankie (guest) 20.06.2013#13

You are about a week behind in the news

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