E3 2013 | Activision Confirms Call of Duty: Ghosts for Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2013 4

E3 2013 | Activision Confirms Call of Duty: Ghosts for Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite not making the initial selection of confirmed platforms, Activision have stated that the next Call of Duty is indeed Wii U bound.

Call of Duty: Ghosts has made numerous appearances on retailers lists but both Nintendo and Activision have remained quiet on the Wii U version of the popular war shooter. Taking the stage today at E3, Activision's Mark Rubin teased - "stay tuned" and that PR want to "remain mysterious".

Both the Xbox One and PS4 versions will be running at 1080p and 60ps.

The Wii U version "probably won't launch November 5th" alongside the curret-generation crop but is said to be planned for retail alongside the Xbox One and PS4 editions.

The n-joke hitting Twitter at the moment involves the prospect of a nintendogs cross-over - you really can never quite tell!

Will you be leaping into the next world of Call of Duty on the Nintendo Wii U?

Box art for Call of Duty: Ghosts

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



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Where do these retailers get their info from? They are almost always right when it comes to listing games before they have been officially announced

(which still makes me wonder about this)

Retailers get their info from the publishers.  As for that link, I'm pretty sure they're holding a page for EarthBound coming to VC, which is hilarious.

jedidethfreak said:
Retailers get their info from the publishers.  As for that link, I'm pretty sure they're holding a page for EarthBound coming to VC, which is hilarious.

There is obviously demand for it. When it first appeared on the site it made it high up on best sellers list. I think I remember seeing it at #3 or so for a while.

Now Activision, If you want WiiU player numbers to go up, actually RELEASE some DLC. Not having Nuketown probably pushed a lot of people into getting another version of the game which all had Nuketown as a freebie at launch.

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