E3 2013 | Zelda: Wind Waker Wii U Fixes Triforce Quest, Has Motion Controls

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2013 1

E3 2013 | Zelda: Wind Waker Wii U Fixes Triforce Quest, Has Motion Controls on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have posted a developer video for The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, going more in-depth with the Wii U edition.

As well as a vibrant and bright new world where you can "truly feel the heat", the game will feature a number of enhancements and changes for seasoned Legend of Zelda fans and newcomers playing Wind Waker for the first time on Wii U.

The team, lead by producer Eiji Aonuma, wanted the off-TV play to be a prime focus so development started with that in mind. There'll be slots to map up to eight items on the buttons/D-Pad, useful for keeping the tools at your fingertips.

There'll also be the optional ability to aim using the GamePad's gyroscope for motion control, or using the analogue sticks for traditional play. The Wind Waker baton, however, appears to be controlled using the touch-screen instead of the classic analogue control.

Image for E3 2013 | Zelda: Wind Waker Wii U Fixes Triforce Quest, Has Motion Controls

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





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Dat lighting! Game looks brilliant Smilie

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