E3 2013 | Zelda 3DS Now Named A Link Between Worlds, New Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2013 2

E3 2013 | Zelda 3DS Now Named A Link Between Worlds, New Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have shared new details, trailer and screens from the upcoming Legend of Zelda 3DS installment.

Now titled The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, the forthcoming Nintendo 3DS game is set in the world of the SNES classic A Link to the Past and introduces a range of new abilities and dungeons. By transforming into a flat drawing, Link can merge into walls in dungeons and fields to explore new paths and solve puzzles from a very different perspective.

Using the classic top-down camera, the game will run at 60fps and make use of the Nintendo 3DS output in 3D.

For now, a handful of screenshots and the E3 2013 trailer of A Link Between Worlds:

Image for E3 2013 | Zelda 3DS Now Named A Link Between Worlds, New Trailer
Image for E3 2013 | Zelda 3DS Now Named A Link Between Worlds, New Trailer
Image for E3 2013 | Zelda 3DS Now Named A Link Between Worlds, New Trailer

What are your thoughts on the new The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds





Action Adventure



C3 Score

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Bleh (guest) 11.06.2013#1
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When I first saw this game I thought it looked quite bland in terms of detail - quite Lego-ish, which is not at all in keeping with LttP when you think about it. But here it looks great in motion, 60fps Smilie 

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

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