In the latest Iwata Asks session, the Nintendo president recommends the digital download version of Animal Crossing 3DS.
In a roundtable session with members of the development team, the group discuss how the latest release, New Leaf, is a title that Nintendo feel should be played all year round.
With the game being one that can be loaded, played for a short while and commuter friendly, Iwata feels that the download/eShop version would be a perfect fir for this sort of title.
Animal Crossing is a game that I hope people will play throughout the whole year. But we want people to play other games too. So something I would recommend is the digital download version. I think a title like Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which you can play throughout the year, is ideally suited to this format. That makes me sound a little like a salesman, doesn't it? (laughs)
Will you be getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf in digital or cartridge form?