Capcom Launches 30th Anniversary Site

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.06.2013 3

Capcom Launches 30th Anniversary Site on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The home of Mega Man and Street Fighter, Capcom, is turning 30 this year, and has teased an announcement at the start of E3.

Capcom launched the 30th Anniversary website earlier today, together with a countdown timer to presumably something big and juicy to sink our thumbs into. With the publisher's roster spanning multiple popular franchises over three decades, there is certainly plenty of potential for anniversary projects.

What do you hoping Capcom will bring to the 30th Anniversary table?

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Capcom you are beyond the point of teasing, now its just agony waiting to hear anything from you.  Too many canceled megaman games, street fighter rereleases and messing up the resident evil story, excluding nintendo, then making a nintendo exclusive, only to multi release it later. Last time we had "big capcom news" it was Okami stationary. so, tell me CAPCOM, what big overdue thing do you have planned, because if it wasnt for Monster Hunter, i'd be done with you. 

( Edited 04.06.2013 16:32 by welshwuff )

Whatever it is, it better have Mega Man in it!
It could be fun if they threw all their franchises into some kind of party game. Could be a kart racer, or maybe a  Smash Bros. clone. I'd like to see something like that.

JoakimZ said:
Whatever it is, it better have Mega Man in it!
It could be fun if they threw all their franchises into some kind of party game. Could be a kart racer, or maybe a  Smash Bros. clone. I'd like to see something like that.

Definitely - they've neglected Mega Man a bit, though the recent VC re-releases are a good sign!

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