Shawn Jackson, Chief Operating Officer at Precursor Games, recently took to Reddit to answer questions on Shadow of the Eternals.
The group are currently crafting the spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness and are taking to Kickstarter for community funding. We spoke to Precursor Games last month on the project, Wii U development and Eternal Darkness concerns.
Over on Reddit, he answered a number of questions such as the team size, and whether a very small staff roster could truly pull of a project of this scale. Jackson was also pressed into reasons why Denis Dyack was hired and the possibility of Shadow of the Eternals coming to an end - any reassurance for backers.
As for the all important question:
Will the game still be made if you don't reach the funding goal?"Since we do not have any other source of funding, it is unlikely."
For more questions and answers be sure to read through the Reddit thread and our own Cubed3 interview on Shadow of the Eternals.
What do you think of the project and concept - will you pledge towards Shadow of the Eternals?