Save the World by Kissing Allies in Exstetra 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.05.2013

Save the World by Kissing Allies in Exstetra 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The developers of Unchained Blades are working on a new RPG that involves having to kiss others to save the world, Exstetra.

After merging with a parallel-universe, the city of Tokyo has collided with a world called Amasia. Amasia's reaching destruction point and its residents claim the protagonist, Ryoma Narusawa is a "Prisma" who can save their world.

According to a Famitsu report, Ryoma can absorb energy from enemies and perform miracles including kissing members of his team to awaken their special powers.

Image for Save the World by Kissing Allies in Exstetra 3DS
Image for Save the World by Kissing Allies in Exstetra 3DS

Exstetra is due on Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita on October 17th - what do you think of the concept?

Box art for Exstetra





Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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