A Look Inside the Resident Evil Café and Grill

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.05.2013 3

A Look Inside the Resident Evil Café and Grill on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fancy seeing what a Resident Evil café would look like? Capcom Unity have posted a guided video tour.

The themed restaurant, launched in Tokyo ahead of Resident Evil 6 last year, features a whole range of bloody zombies, beasts and themed food. Alongside food and a meaty virus grill, there are waitresses dressed as Stars Members, framed Resident Evil weapons and uniforms.


What do you think of the Resident Evil Café and Grill - would you like to see something similar in your region?

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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Very strange yet cool xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Would have far more liked it if it looked exactly like the Dinner one in RE3 (where you can blow up the kitchen)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
RopeGro (guest) 30.05.2013#3

One zombie, two Tyrant and a side of herbs.

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