Nintendo has outlined the storyline of the upcoming Wii U and 3DS exclusive, Sonic Lost World.
Following on from yesterday's debut trailer, the story will revolve around six new creatures known as the Deadly Six, employed by series villain Dr. Eggman. However when the group rebel, it's down to Sonic to team up with Eggman to save the day.
Each version will have gameplay and Colour powers that advantage of the hardware in mind. The Wii U version will feature GamePad motion/touch support, plus off-TV play. There'll also be the inclusion of a two player support mode.
Interestingly, the 3DS version will feature a fully realised 3D levels with unique features, rather than the solely 2D approach adopted by past Sonic games on Nintendo handhelds.
SEGA also let loose the debut boxarts and screens for both versions in the albums below:

What do you think of the Sonic Lost World designs and concept?