Rare Team Talk Conker's Bad Fur Day N64 in Developer Playthrough

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.05.2013 2

Rare Team Talk Conker

Three of the team members who worked on Conker's Bad Fur Day have started work on a Director's Commentary playthrough - with Chris Marlow, Shawn Pile and Chris Seavor.

Using the Nintendo 64 version, the group highlight key features of the optimisation process in the initial release, plus Donkey Kong 64. The reason why Donkey Kong 64 shipped with the Expansion Pack was due to a random bug within the game that didn't occur with the extra memory. Because Rare had to ship the game with the memory peripheral, it cost the studio a significant amount of funding. However, it benefited the development Perfect Dark which required the extra capability.

Amusingly, the trio don't get into the game itself during this first part, however do talk about the development decisions like chapters, the interface design, animated front-end plus a flair for improvisation during the creation of Conker's Bad Fur Day.

The group also go into game development politics, recalling internal friendly competition between teams at Rare - trying to outdo themselves to produce the critically acclaimed Nintendo 64 titles like Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark and much more.


For the rest of the playthrough, be sure to tune into The Conker YouTube channel.

What do you think of Conker's Bad Fur Day?

Box art for Conker's Bad Fur Day





3D Platformer



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Heywes (guest) 29.05.2013#1

Rare, please return home. We want your games on Nintendo platforms. We trust your judgement in making games, we don't want you to tweak them just to make money.

We miss you Smilie

Our member of the week

Heywes (guest) said:
Rare, please return home. We want your games on Nintendo platforms. We trust your judgement in making games, we don't want you to tweak them just to make money.

We miss you Smilie

I'm afraid there's not much left of the Rare you speak of. Most key people from the Nintendo era are gone now, and what's left of the studio, while perhaps still full of potential, don't get me wrong on that, will perhaps never be able to give you the exact same kind of game that you loved in those days bygone.

And besides, it's not Rare's decision to make. They're owned by Microsoft now. The people there may leave the company to reform their own, but is that likely to happen any day, and would those people still want to develop exclusively for Nintendo platforms again? In the current state of the industry, I highly doubt it.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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