Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.05.2013 3

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more

This week's Miiverse Monday showcases even more superb creations posted on Miiverse in the last seven days including a stunning assortment of Hyrule tributes from The Legend of Zelda, cute illustrations from the world of Super Mario Bros, plus new designs from Metroid and LEGO Batman.

By request there are links to each drawing on Miiverse - be sure to head on over and "yeah" your favourite pieces.

Got any art to share or would like to recommend your Miiverse favourites? Be sure to get in touch!

Miiverse Highlights - 27 May 2013

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Community - Julle

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Community - Pat

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Community - Lasse

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Community - Pierre

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Fast & Furious Showdown Community - HackLink

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Community - Benn

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Community - Majo

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Resident Evil Revelations Community - Panda

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Resident Evil Revelations Community - GHOSTWOLF

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Resident Evil Revelations Community - Frosty

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Rayman Legends Challenges App Community - URIEN

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Rayman Legends Challenges App Community - WARCLUB

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Year of Luigi Community - おまゆ

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Year of Luigi Community - Lady Giuly

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Year of Luigi Community - Almir

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Year of Luigi Community - Benn

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - Anthony

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - Yami-chan

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - arugam

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - くまりん

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - Sir Ginko☆

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community - Ani

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community - Mei

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Super Metroid Community - QueenPoupi

Image for Miiverse Monday 27/05 Gallery: Resident Evil, Batman, Mario, Zelda and more
Super Metroid Community - Vaggos
Seen anything you love on Miiverse, or have drawings of your own to submit?
Be sure to post them here, on our Facebook or email [email protected].

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Miiverse-er (guest) 28.05.2013#1

Can you guys upload artwork from the Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed community too? I would really appreciate it! ^^

Miiverse-er (guest) said:
Can you guys upload artwork from the Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed community too? I would really appreciate it! ^^

Ah yes! Apologies, didn't get round to the Sonic community this week, will do next time round Smilie There's just so much amazing pieces, it's really difficult to choose - May have to extend this to 30 from 25!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I just got online on my Wii U and I love Miiverse! Mainly cause of drawing my post on the gamepad. I would have thought it would be a bit off like the DS, but it's really easy to draw on it.

Back on topic, my favorite pic on MM is the Barbara Drawing and most of the year of Luigi pic's too!

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