Wii U UK Sales Skyrocket on Amazon UK After Xbox One Showing

By Javier Jimenez 24.05.2013 23

Wii U UK Sales Skyrocket on Amazon UK After Xbox One Showing on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Xbox One's reveal was nothing short of a disaster in terms of PR. "Television television television" made the Xbox seem more like a regular old TV Box, and news like having to be connected every 24 hours as well as a draconian anti-used policy resulted in a storm of anti-Microsoft buzz among core gamers. Microsoft was burned in effigy from one end of the internet to the other by message boarders and posters since Tuesday (though not big media figures, strangely).

There was another response, though. On Amazon UK sales of the Wii U system jumped 800+%, from the 390th hottest item all the way up to the 40th. As of the writing of this article, it is ranked 3rd in the "PC & Video Games" catogery, right after Fifa 14 (PS3) and Fifa 14 (360).

Take a look for yourself at Amazon's "movers and shakers" page:

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Oh my god I could never have seen this coming Smilie

( Edited 24.05.2013 00:59 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I would love to know how much it jumped in the US, but unfortunately Amazon doesn't sell Wii U hardware directly in the US - only through third party distributors.

So all that sony's stock and nintendos wii U sales needed was for Microsoft to reveal their new television set top box? 

Sonic_13 said:
I would love to know how much it jumped in the US, but unfortunately Amazon doesn't sell Wii U hardware directly in the US - only through third party distributors.

Most sales reports seem to be weekly, if there's a massive spike in Wii U sales when this week's numbers come out, we'll know why.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Some of the sales might have actuallym been the xbox clan. On the Amazon shakers and movers page Zombi U is the only game to follow Wii U that far back up the chart at an impressive 190%.

Wow, that must have been a REALLY shitty conference.

Here's a disturbing Kinect tidbit:

Microsoft filed a patent where the Kinect watches how many people are in the room. If it detects that there are too many people in the room when you're watching a movie or a TV show, the user will be prompted to buy a license because it won't be considered simple private viewing.

Who knew that having an always-on, internet connected camera in your house was a bad idea? George Orwell is rolling in his grave.

( Edited 24.05.2013 07:30 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
Here's a disturbing Kinect tidbit:

Microsoft filed a patent where the Kinect watches how many people are in the room. If it detects that there are too many people in the room when you're watching a movie or a TV show, the user will be prompted to buy a license because it won't be considered simple private viewing.

Who knew that having an always-on, internet connected camera in your house was a bad idea? George Orwell is rolling in his grave.

To be honest it doesn't shock me that Microsoft would do this, but it's disgusting and shouldn't be legal for a big corporation to watch you in your own home. It should be called X box Ccontrol! They won't be happy 'till they're dictating to you in your own home what you should and shouldn't do. Why anyone would buy this thing is beyond me. 

( Edited 24.05.2013 09:35 by Trepe )

yoshi55379 (guest) 24.05.2013#9

This is hilarious. I must thank Microsoft for actually helping Nintendo.

Iwata, Shiggy, and Reggie are probably all laughing right now, this is so funny!

Glad to see Wii U sales pick up, even though it happened in a totally unexpected way.

HelterSkell (guest) 24.05.2013#10

So is Earthbound Wii U. Yea. The Amazon UK admins are funny!

NintyPeR (guest) 24.05.2013#11

This is just in the small UK market, where it was reportedly selling miniscule numbers of both software and hardware. This number is in no way significant.

If "television television television" made it seem like a TV box, "truly next-gen, games, games, games", will make it seem heavenly at E3.

At E3 they'll show us the benefits of having an always-on system (constantly evolving game-worlds), and put to rest the lies about a fee to play used game. There is none according to a Xbox rep on Twitter. And as far as BC is concerned, Xbox One will have it own version of PS4's Gaikai service.

NintyPeR (guest) said:
This is just in the small UK market, where it was reportedly selling miniscule numbers of both software and hardware. This number is in no way significant.

Sorry, guy, 48th place on Amazon's chart rank isn't exactly "insignificant", they sell everythin'.

The One can never seem heavenly to the knowledgeable gamer until it drops those Draconian features. Maybe the ignorant gamer, sure, but I wonder what they'll think of "heaven" when they find out they can't do simple things they've taken for granted?

(incidentally, the way you write reminds me of someone.. Smilie who's paying you to be a Microsoft apologist anyway?)

( Edited 24.05.2013 12:24 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Laurelin (guest) 24.05.2013#13

It has jumped 800+ - that's great! But why? I am eager to learn what drove the customers to WiiU all of a sudden.
I mean, the machine is great and used a lot by me, even if I didn't buy many disc based games, but why all of a sudden do these people jump onto it. Did they hold back to buy an X1 and got disappointed? Again: why?

(This message saves my day. That's awesome. Go, WiiU!)

Laurelin Smilie come back to us! Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm guessing that some gamers were waiting to see all three systems before making a decision. While it's still pretty premature when it comes to the PS4 (Xbox One can go home), the popular choice seems to be Wii U/PS4 or Wii U/PC. Since the Wii U is already out, I suppose some picked it up now and maybe got a game or two they were already interested in but didn't want to rush out to buy the console for.

NintyPeR (guest) said:
This is just in the small UK market, where it was reportedly selling miniscule numbers of both software and hardware. This number is in no way significant.

If "television television television" made it seem like a TV box, "truly next-gen, games, games, games", will make it seem heavenly at E3.

At E3 they'll show us the benefits of having an always-on system (constantly evolving game-worlds), and put to rest the lies about a fee to play used game. There is none according to a Xbox rep on Twitter. And as far as BC is concerned, Xbox One will have it own version of PS4's Gaikai service.

Ok, what is up with all these Xbox fans coming in here and trying to Damage Control all the screw ups Microsoft made?

People, there are plenty of Xbox message boards and websites out there, go to them instead.

Laurelin (guest) 24.05.2013#17

SuperLink said:
Laurelin Smilie come back to us! Smilie

Hiya, SuperLink! My password was eaten by giant... Squid!
I will bo joining as soon as I find the time to find it. Too busy working, too!

Wouldn't miss Cubed3's community for the world, will come back soon!

Laurelin (guest) said:

Hiya, SuperLink! My password was eaten by giant... Squid!
I will bo joining as soon as I find the time to find it. Too busy working, too!

Wouldn't miss Cubed3's community for the world, will come back soon!

We look forward to it Smilie

CrystalMushroom said:

Ok, what is up with all these Xbox fans coming in here and trying to Damage Control all the screw ups Microsoft made?

People, there are plenty of Xbox message boards and websites out there, go to them instead.

Pretty sure it's just one or two bored guys trolling on C3 because they have something against it or the community. Would be best to just ignore them, the mods are trying to sort it out. 

( Edited 24.05.2013 14:55 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ouch...I wonder if Microsoft will take this to heart & pull a Sony & change several things before the system is finally released. (by pull a Sony I mean when they were originally going to use that horrible boomarang controler for the ps3 originally)

( Edited 24.05.2013 16:24 by Azuardo )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

At this time of this article the Wii U was the 11th best selling VG-related item in UK, that's very impressive for something that has had absolutely no new games or marketing pushes lately, interest can only improve from here on.

Currently the Wii U sits comfortably around the 40th place mark, after being around 400th for ages. I imagine as Xbox news continues to spread, the Wii U will hopefully bob up and down until E3.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

When Move was first released there was a Muslim on the Sony forums asking whether the camera was on all the time and whether anyone from Sony would be viewing himself and his family. I can see a lot of people put off buying the One with the camera always on. I personally wouldn't give a monkey's but some people, of all beliefs, can be a bit funny with privacy.

If Sony were planning the same sort of thing with used games I think they may have done a U-turn with this after the responses that the One has got. The Nerd-Rage is very vocal, I'm certainly not getting one if I have to pay a fee for playing used games.

And if all this wasn't bad enough for Microsoft they're including Kinect 2.0 with every console which is going to raise the retail price. I can't see them releasing it for less than $400/£400.

The One is going to flop. Hard.

Laurelin (guest) 27.05.2013#22

SuperLink said:
At this time of this article the Wii U was the 11th best selling VG-related item in UK, that's very impressive for something that has had absolutely no new games or marketing pushes lately, interest can only improve from here on.

I think that is pretty good!

SuperLink said:
Currently the Wii U sits comfortably around the 40th place mark, after being around 400th for ages. I imagine as Xbox news continues to spread, the Wii U will hopefully bob up and down until E3.

i hope it will stay on top - at least at rank 40 an up.
I don't like X-Box's always on and I think some will think so, too. No, I am no muslim Smilie

Please forgive me, I don't want to do X-Box-bashing, but I'd rather like Wii U to be on top then X1.

What timing. Good for them.  Ps4 will better accommodate the Wii U in a sense. Probably what drove the sales up. People planning their duo system after catching a glimpse of the new XBox.

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