SEGA Tease Six New Sonic Lost World Characters

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.05.2013 10

SEGA Tease Six New Sonic Lost World Characters on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have teased new characters and a date for more information on Sonic Lost World for Wii U and 3DS.

On the official Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook Page, the company posted a new image of six characters with the caption "six will rise from the Lost World. Are they friends or foes?"

The next nugget of Sonic Lost World information is expected on 29th May.

Image for SEGA Tease Six New Sonic Lost World Characters

What do you think of these new creatures in Sonic Lost World?

Box art for Sonic Lost World

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It would be great if they put the characters from the Animated Series.

jcags said:
It would be great if they put the characters from the Animated Series.

Which one ya thinking? Sally, et al? Or Sonic's brother and sister from Underground?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Getting a real Rayman Origins/Legends vibe from the looks of those character designs.
Also a bit Skylanders-y.

Let's hope SEGA have improved in the character design department since the last time they churned new characters out regularly.

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Do people really care at this point :?

Show us the gameplay. Every sonic game basicly adds new characters, some good, most bad. At this point its like teasing that the game will contain trees and then having silloettes of the trees. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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jb said:
jcags said:
It would be great if they put the characters from the Animated Series.

Which one ya thinking? Sally, et al? Or Sonic's brother and sister from Underground?

I've only watched Sonic the Hedgehog so I don't know about the underground characters.

Darkflame said:
Do people really care at this point :?

Show us the gameplay. Every sonic game basicly adds new characters, some good, most bad. At this point its like teasing that the game will contain trees and then having silloettes of the trees.

To be fair, there hasn't been a new Sonic character introduced since 2006, 2008 if you count Chip who was a one-time deal. That's 5-7 years, a new record for SEGA.

But I do agree that everything is gameplay at this point, that's what everyone wants to see. They're just being mean and teasing us with tiny snippets of scenario info.

jcags said:
It would be great if they put the characters from the Animated Series.

As far as I know, SEGA try to distance themselves from the old American cartoon series'. Even with the comics they've been enforcing the writers at Archie to put more focus on game characters and less focus on the TV/original characters.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

If Sega brought out new Sonicthat looked half as good as Raymond Legends I would be very happy indeed!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

SuperLink said:

To be fair, there hasn't been a new Sonic character introduced since 2006, 2008 if you count Chip who was a one-time deal. That's 5-7 years, a new record for SEGA.

But I do agree that everything is gameplay at this point, that's what everyone wants to see. They're just being mean and teasing us with tiny snippets of scenario info.

That is because they listened to the fans who hated them for churning out shite characters. I really hope this doesnt turn out to a sucky list of characters though.

jb said:
jcags said:
It would be great if they put the characters from the Animated Series.

Which one ya thinking? Sally, et al? Or Sonic's brother and sister from Underground?

I have always hoped that Sally and co would make an appearance, same with Scratch and Grounder....

There is such a plethora of characters that they churn out, personally i think that Rouge has probably been one of the better additions over the years, the same with Blaze, but otherwise a lot of characters are quite forgettable...

Flynnie said:

That is because they listened to the fans who hated them for churning out shite characters. I really hope this doesnt turn out to a sucky list of characters though.

Indeed, SEGA listened and decided to actually hold back, realising that maybe throwing an uninspired character into each new game wasn't what people wanted. It was probably something they thought would work because it was such a big sellpoint for Sonic 2 and S3&K, but one thing they didn't realise is that Tails and Knuckles expanded the game fundamentally in a way that made sense and worked wonderfully.

Hopefully they've had enough time to think now to know how to make characters a lot better. ._. I can hope.

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Chubakka (guest) 24.05.2013#10




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