Fantasy Life Gets Nintendo 3DS Expansion in Link!

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.05.2013 2

Fantasy Life Gets Nintendo 3DS Expansion in Link! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5 has announced an upgraded version of Fantasy Life after the success of the original 3DS release.

Titled Fantasy Life Link!, the new version features improvements to the original release's online features by introducing co-op support for up to four players and a new Link mode as the title suggests.

The Link feature will allow players to keep track of friends, exchange messages when online and this will come with it's own new website with stats, forums and screenshot albums.

Alongside the boost in online play, there'll also be an additional island to explore in Fantasy Life Link!, containing new enemies and items to haul.

There'll be a standalone edition from July 25th in Japan for 4,980 yen, with owners of the original Fantasy Life able to upgrade for a portion of the price at 2,000 yen.

What do you think of the upgraded Fantasy Life features?

Box art for Fantasy Life Link!








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Smart way to boost sales, I say! It's already shipped 300,000 in Japan - far more than expected for such an unknown title - and it could have done more if not for low stock levels killing some of the early interest. What better way to revitalise it than an minor upgrade re-release?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I'll begin to care when they announce it is officially coming to North America.

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