EA Backtracks, Claims to be Developing Wii U Games

By Javier Jimenez 22.05.2013 20

EA Backtracks, Claims to be Developing Wii U Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Blake Jorgensen, Electronic Arts's Chief Financial Officer, today stated that EA is indeed developing Wii U games. The news broke at the Stifel Nicolaus 2013 Internet, Media and Communications Conference. This comes in direct contradiction of statements by EA's Jeff Brown last week, who said the company had "no games in development" for Wii U.

No word yet on exactly what EA is developing. We can only assume they are working on sports titles for the U. Anything beyond that is anyone's guess.

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EA, the moody teenager of videogames.

No doubt this is in part due to the almost universally negative reception the Xbox One has been met with from gamers, when EA were clearly placing their bets on the One's success.

EA chose to partnership with MS after hearing the One was perfect for their DRM fantasies, but unless MS change their tone before launch, the thing has alienated a gigantic mass of their userbase, making many users flee to opposing systems.

All over Twitter I've seen things like "even the Wii U sounds more appealing as a second console now".

Absolutely bizarre turns of events across the whole industry today, I never could have anticipated it.

( Edited 22.05.2013 00:51 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


( Edited 22.05.2013 03:48 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
My guess is that Jeff Brown is just a total jackass and EA never actually stopped developing Wii U games.

EA certainly stopped developing Wii U games. Crysis 3 was all but finished for it and they refused to even release it.


I wonder how long it'll be before EA suddenly decides Wii U can run Frostbite 3 after all.

Mod Edit: Double-posting.

( Edited 22.05.2013 03:46 by Jacob4000 )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
Sonic_13 said:
My guess is that Jeff Brown is just a total jackass and EA never actually stopped developing Wii U games.

EA certainly stopped developing Wii U games. Crysis 3 was all but finished for it and they refused to even release it.

D'oh! You're right, forgot about that.

and I'm mixing up Jeff Brown with Bob Summerwill.

0 for 2 in my post


( Edited 22.05.2013 03:48 by Sonic_13 )

Stop doubleposting, justonesp00lturn. 

I kind of doubt that EA ever truly stopped Wii U development entirely. I understand them being pissed at Nintendo and thus holding their better releases from the system, but it's a bit childish to axe the pipeline completely.

Jacob4000 said:
Stop doubleposting, justonesp00lturn. 

I kind of doubt that EA ever truly stopped Wii U development entirely. I understand them being pissed at Nintendo and thus holding their better releases from the system, but it's a bit childish to axe the pipeline completely.

Will do! Sorry.

I wouldn't put it past EA to stop development entirely. They stopped development on several in-progress games (Battlefield and Cyrsis) and released a Mass Effect collection that was obviously meant to kill the Wii U version of Mass Effect 3.

In today's statement they were also pretty clear that not all future EA games will be for Wii U, just some. It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that rumor that Disney was going to force EA to develop their titles for Wii U was true, and that's all EA is referring to. Still, I hope the two companies are putting aside their differences.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

oh ok, EA games are back. Im not going to buy any of their games anyway Smilie

kingdom (guest) 22.05.2013#9

Aww... I was hoping sega would come in and fill the sports hole with virtua and maybe a little exclusive iss/pro evo from konami.

(not that I have any interest in sports games at all being quite good at real sports and having no homoerotic tendency to watch other men playing them)

Seems like we'll end up with fifa then.

And it was all going so well with M$ showing only COD and fifa for their new console.

I suppose you can have too much of a good thing.

Wow...I didn't expect EA to backpeddle this fast...

Well I guess something is better than nothing I suppose....still I'd KILL for a full collectors edition port of the Dead Space trilogy AND an original horror title by Viseral Games on the 3DS!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

As somebody said on another forum:

This probably means EA has seen the reveal of Xbox One as well.


Canyarion said:
As somebody said on another forum:

This probably means EA has seen the reveal of Xbox One as well.


The Xbox One is EA's dream console, they can control their userbase completely, the thing is DRM heaven. It may as well have been designed by EA.

However.. EA probably noticed how awful the audience reception has been. Sometimes I wonder how big companies can be so profusely ignorant about the consumer's intelligence or expectations. Sigh.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Canyarion said:
As somebody said on another forum:

This probably means EA has seen the reveal of Xbox One as well.


Oh shit, they weren't impressed with Madden and Generic Shooter #125. Uhhh...

Jayce xWx (guest) said:
SuperLink said:
No doubt this is in part due to the almost universally negative reception the Xbox One has been met with from gamers, when EA were clearly placing their bets on the One's success.

EA chose to partnership with MS after hearing the One was perfect for their DRM fantasies, but unless MS change their tone before launch, the thing has alienated a gigantic mass of their userbase, making many users flee to opposing systems.

All over Twitter I've seen things like "even the Wii U sounds more appealing as a second console now".

Absolutely bizarre turns of events across the whole industry today, I never could have anticipated it.

Which planet is your internet hooked to, planet bullshit?


He's right.
Almost every site I've been on, The Xbox One has been hated. These just aren't on Nintendo sites either, I've seen people on Youtube, NeoGAF, hell, even KnowYourMeme hating on the Xbox One.

Jayce xWx (guest) said:

Which planet is your internet hooked to, planet bullshit?


Uh, I dunno what problem you have with me or what planet your internet is hooked up to, but..

Official site; http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hub/reveal most of the tweets are negative

The gamers have spoken:
Destructoid poll
GameFAQs poll
IGN poll results
Escapist forum poll
Last but not least, Jim Sterling!

Sorry, bro, this reception is almost universally poor. Also, look through tweets, I've never seen this many negative tweets following a system reveal in history.

Random non-gaming site poll

Not just that, but pretty much everyone in my University's gaming society thinks it sounds awful, regardless of their 360 fan-ship.
MS is going to need to seriously backpedal and change some of the One's features if it wants to succeed.

Come back to Earth, C3 guest!

@CrystalMushroom: Please do not double post, the Edit button is there for a reason!

( Edited 22.05.2013 18:14 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

CrystalMushroom said:

He's right.
Almost every site I've been on, The Xbox One has been hated. These just aren't on Nintendo sites either, I've seen people on Youtube, NeoGAF, hell, even KnowYourMeme hating on the Xbox One.

The larger gaming communities on reddit are absolutely on fire over this, too. r/gaming is one of the most balanced gaming communities I've ever seen; people take jabs and make memes about all of the consoles, people give praise where praise is due, and there's always going to be fanboyism and unnecessary vitriol, but even that tends to be frowned upon. Yet in the last two days, the top like six pages of the subreddit is a constant stream of hatred/disappointment regarding Xbox One.

Personally, I think Microsoft will probably scramble a software update to remove some of the BS, and most people are ignoring the fact that the PS4 will probably do the same thing when it comes to used games (MS just made the mistake of letting that slip from the gate), but suggesting that any reputable majority of any part of the internet is at all happy with this reveal is beyond delusional.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

SuperLink said:
Jayce xWx (guest) said:

Which planet is your internet hooked to, planet bullshit?


Uh, I dunno what problem you have with me or what planet your internet is hooked up to, but..

Official site; http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hub/reveal most of the tweets are negative

The gamers have spoken:
Destructoid poll
GameFAQs poll
IGN poll results
Escapist forum poll
Last but not least, Jim Sterling!

Sorry, bro, this reception is almost universally poor. Also, look through tweets, I've never seen this many negative tweets following a system reveal in history.

Random non-gaming site poll

Not just that, but pretty much everyone in my University's gaming society thinks it sounds awful, regardless of their 360 fan-ship.
MS is going to need to seriously backpedal and change some of the One's features if it wants to succeed.

Come back to Earth, C3 guest!

@CrystalMushroom: Please do not double post, the Edit button is there for a reason!

SuperLink said:
Jayce xWx (guest) said:

Which planet is your internet hooked to, planet bullshit?


Uh, I dunno what problem you have with me or what planet your internet is hooked up to, but..

Official site; http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hub/reveal most of the tweets are negative

The gamers have spoken:
Destructoid poll
GameFAQs poll
IGN poll results
Escapist forum poll
Last but not least, Jim Sterling!

Sorry, bro, this reception is almost universally poor. Also, look through tweets, I've never seen this many negative tweets following a system reveal in history.

Random non-gaming site poll

Not just that, but pretty much everyone in my University's gaming society thinks it sounds awful, regardless of their 360 fan-ship.
MS is going to need to seriously backpedal and change some of the One's features if it wants to succeed.

Come back to Earth, C3 guest!

@CrystalMushroom: Please do not double post, the Edit button is there for a reason!

Wait a minute, I thought I deleted that post! My bad! Smilie

CrystalMushroom said:

Wait a minute, I thought I deleted that post! My bad! Smilie

You did, I just didn't notice Smilie my bad too!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
ChicHellenistic (guest) 23.05.2013#20

Can PS4 and Wii U create persistent and evolving gameworlds?  


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