Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2013 6

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more

This week's Miiverse Monday showcases even more superb creations posted on Miiverse in the last seven days including a scary selection from Resident Evil Revelations, Mushroom Kingdom inspiration from the Year of Luigi community plus a hearty selection of Legend of Zelda favourites.

With the release of Super Metroid last week, fans have also paid tribute to the universe's greatest bounty hunter Samus.

Got any art to share or would like to recommend your Miiverse favourites? Be sure to get in touch!

Miiverse Highlights - 20 May 2013

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Community - by Zowii

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community - Jack

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Community - Marco

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Year of Luigi Community - Sir Ginko☆

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Community - dkgt1

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Resident Evil Revelations Community - looygi

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Rayman Legends Challenges App Community - Domino

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - Me!

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Injustice: Gods Among Us Community - Davey

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Super Metroid Community - Thiophen

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Year of Luigi Community - Ken 5

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community - Anna

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - ラムネ

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Resident Evil Revelations Community - Hackaby

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - Sir Ginko☆

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Super Metroid Community - Rob

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Super Metroid Community - Björn

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Resident Evil Revelations Community - Panda

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - Dominic

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Year of Luigi Community - SuperJDkun

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community - Gregor

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Year of Luigi Community - Nerdo

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Legend of Zelda Series Community - Theia

Image for Miiverse Monday 20/05 Gallery: Samus, Resident Evil, Zelda, Mario and more
The Year of Luigi Community - Daddy
Seen anything you love on Miiverse, or have drawings of your own to submit?
Be sure to post them here, on our Facebook or email [email protected].

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I want to go into Miiverse and "Yeah!" every single one of them right now!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Agul said:
I want to go into Miiverse and "Yeah!" every single one of them right now!

Don't know if it would be too much additional work, but it would be awesome if we could be linked directly to the posts, now that Miiverse is accessible via web browsers.

( Edited 21.05.2013 22:05 by Sonic_13 )

Why can't I draw this good...T_T

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Sonic_13 said:
Agul said:
I want to go into Miiverse and "Yeah!" every single one of them right now!

Don't know if it would be too much additional work, but it would be awesome if we could be linked directly to the posts, now that Miiverse is accessible via web browsers.

Will do, actually Smilie I need to check if the links are direct rather than generated for my account (if that makes sense) - technically it should be fine though!

Can someone please confirm if this direct link works:

if so, then I'd definitely link through next MM Smilie

( Edited 23.05.2013 02:50 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Sonic_13 said:
Agul said:
I want to go into Miiverse and "Yeah!" every single one of them right now!

Don't know if it would be too much additional work, but it would be awesome if we could be linked directly to the posts, now that Miiverse is accessible via web browsers.

Will do, actually Smilie I need to check if the links are direct rather than generated for my account (if that makes sense) - technically it should be fine though!

Can someone please confirm if this direct link works:

if so, then I'd definitely link through next MM Smilie

Brought me to a monster drawing by Anna in the MHU3 community!

Sonic_13 said:
jb said:
Sonic_13 said:
Agul said:
I want to go into Miiverse and "Yeah!" every single one of them right now!

Don't know if it would be too much additional work, but it would be awesome if we could be linked directly to the posts, now that Miiverse is accessible via web browsers.

Will do, actually Smilie I need to check if the links are direct rather than generated for my account (if that makes sense) - technically it should be fine though!

Can someone please confirm if this direct link works:

if so, then I'd definitely link through next MM Smilie

Brought me to a monster drawing by Anna in the MHU3 community!

It worked for me, too! I just "Yeah'd" it. lol

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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