Speculation: Could Sonic Tackle Mario Kart?

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2013 3

Speculation: Could Sonic Tackle Mario Kart? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speculation: With SEGA teaming up with Nintendo on three exclusive Sonic titles, fans have speculated a collaborative racer.

For many gamers, Mario Kart has always been the undisputed champion of racing games, but with Sonic and friends starring in their own critically acclaimed series, there are rumblings that these two franchises may just tackle the same racing track.

From the three exclusive Sonic the Hedgehog games, two were announced today. First up is an exclusive platformer known as Sonic Lost World, joined by a new entry in the popular Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics sports mash-up.

But what about the third Sonic title?

A NeoGAF member dug up a tweet from last month where executive Producer at Sumo Digital, Steve Lycett, teased that the studio are "thinking we could finally settle some arguments, who'd really win a kart race..."

[blockquote class="twitter-tweet"][p]@[a href="https://twitter.com/blazehedgehog"]blazehedgehog I was thinking there are bigger rivals, but I'll bear it in mind ;)

— Steve Lycett (@S0LSUM0) [a href="https://twitter.com/S0LSUM0/status/327923609836347394"]April 26, 2013

What do you think of the potential teaser - could a Mario Kart and Sonic cross-over be on the way?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Sonic in Mario Kart please, not the other way round!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The stigma Sonic has for being in cars is ridiculous, especially since ASRT is widely considered to be better than recent Mario Karts. So I worry about the amount of unnecessary hate a move like this would get.

I'd be for this though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

jb said:
Sonic in Mario Kart please, not the other way round!

As god said, i really don't want SEGA to develop it...be good if its true though! 

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