A senior member of EA has taken to twitter to express a multitude of tweets against the Wii U.
Whilst Twitter should be a platform for personal opinion, unless using a company account, EA's Bob Summerwill had posted a significant number of Tweets slamming the hardware after EA confirmed that it had no Wii U titles in development.
He started by claiming that the Wii U is "less powerful than an Xbox 360" with "Poor online store, weird tablet. Nintendo are walking dead at this point".
He feels that the company are "still operating like it's 1990 and should have 'done a SEGA' and offered Mario/Zelda as PS4/Durango exclusives."
Sumemrwill's rants continued, noting how Nintendo "made this awful console and [Wii Street U]... Just stop it! Just make great games!"
Finally, his latest Tweet before they were removed highlighted EA's plans "to focus our resources on markets which actually matter ... like mobile, and Gen4."
What do you think of his Tweets - despite being his personal opinion on EA and Nintendo?