Senior EA Employee Slams Nintendo Wii U in Twitter Rampage

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2013 22

Senior EA Employee Slams Nintendo Wii U in Twitter Rampage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A senior member of EA has taken to twitter to express a multitude of tweets against the Wii U.

Whilst Twitter should be a platform for personal opinion, unless using a company account, EA's Bob Summerwill had posted a significant number of Tweets slamming the hardware after EA confirmed that it had no Wii U titles in development.

He started by claiming that the Wii U is "less powerful than an Xbox 360" with "Poor online store, weird tablet. Nintendo are walking dead at this point".

He feels that the company are "still operating like it's 1990 and should have 'done a SEGA' and offered Mario/Zelda as PS4/Durango exclusives."

Sumemrwill's rants continued, noting how Nintendo "made this awful console and [Wii Street U]... Just stop it! Just make great games!"

Finally, his latest Tweet before they were removed highlighted EA's plans "to focus our resources on markets which actually matter ... like mobile, and Gen4."

What do you think of his Tweets - despite being his personal opinion on EA and Nintendo?

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I bet Nintendo is why EA was voted worst company in America. Oh wait, that was homophobes, now I remember. The only reason they were voted worst company is because everyone who voted them that is a homophobe.

Seriously though, EA is a total shitstain of a company.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

He started by claiming that the Wii U is "less powerful than an Xbox 360"

Ironic that one of EA's own games (Need for Speed Most Wanted) proves otherwise.

I saw the title of this article, and my first thought was "Oh, man. This ought to be good!". I wasn't disappointed. 

Smilie. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

What a joke.  

( Edited 18.05.2013 04:56 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
EAEX (guest) 18.05.2013#5

Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

You'd think people would be more professional than that. He's entitled to his opinions, but should he really be airing them in public. 

Nintendo is first and foremost a games company (unlike the other two) that focuses on making great games and not much else. It's consoles are always a means to an end (e.g. producing amazing gameplay experiences) rather than a driving motivation (e.g. creating state of the art visuals). Saying this, games companies are still able to produce visually stunning games on Nintendo consoles; all they need is creativity. 

EAEX (guest) said:
Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

Oh look...A guest who is not a Nintendo fan but still wants to come to a Nintendo website to talk crap about them. Lovely.

Well I can't WAIT to see the fall out EA receives from this blatently biased & completely inaccurate comment like with that Epic had when it's CEO shot his mouth off. Little kids like Bobby here shouldn't be allowed to work in a mature, respectable adult environment.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Sonic_13 said:
He started by claiming that the Wii U is "less powerful than an Xbox 360"

Ironic that one of EA's own games (Need for Speed Most Wanted) proves otherwise.

Lol, utterly fantastic irony.

I am  only missing FIFA anyway, not too much of a problem for me...just interesting how EA decided to release games for the Wii which probably wasnt that much more powerful than a Gamecube but yet still shoveled a ton of shite games on to it anyway.

EA's products are incredibly flawed these days with a fuck-tonne of bugs released in games as of go on to rant about Nintendo not having a quality product is just insane....get your own house in order!

SE of the 2012's and 2013's "worst company of America" trashtalks the winner of last generation's console wars.

Somebody should make a meme of this. The irony.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
ea is shit
What else is new?

kingdom (guest) 19.05.2013#12

I dunno if anyone noticed but that EAEX guy has been hanging around trolling for a few weeks now.

Mario and Zelda as PS4 exclusives? He's gotta be joking.

EAEX (guest) 20.05.2013#14

CrystalMushroom said:
EAEX (guest) said:
Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

Oh look...A guest who is not a Nintendo fan but still wants to come to a Nintendo website to talk crap about them. Lovely.

The bolded text above is fact, not crap. The Wii U and Wii U games are selling very poorly around the globe, apparently in April it sold a measly 38,000 units.

Nobody with any sense will be interested in owning one until it drops in price considerably, and gets some decent new games from, third parties.

EAEX (guest) said:
Nobody with any sense will be interested in owning one until it drops in price considerably, and gets some decent new games from, third parties.

Are you new to Nintendo systems? That's the only reason I can think of for believing that a Nintendo system won't sell unless it gets big third party support.

EAEX (guest) said:
CrystalMushroom said:
EAEX (guest) said:
Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

Oh look...A guest who is not a Nintendo fan but still wants to come to a Nintendo website to talk crap about them. Lovely.

The bolded text above is fact, not crap. The Wii U and Wii U games are selling very poorly around the globe, apparently in April it sold a measly 38,000 units.

Nobody with any sense will be interested in owning one until it drops in price considerably, and gets some decent new games from, third parties.

Are you kidding me? Are you new to video games? The Wii outsold all of its competitors withouth the so called "decent third parties".

Don't feed the troll?

EAEX (guest) 22.05.2013#18

jcags said:
EAEX (guest) said:
CrystalMushroom said:
EAEX (guest) said:
Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

Oh look...A guest who is not a Nintendo fan but still wants to come to a Nintendo website to talk crap about them. Lovely.

The bolded text above is fact, not crap. The Wii U and Wii U games are selling very poorly around the globe, apparently in April it sold a measly 38,000 units.

Nobody with any sense will be interested in owning one until it drops in price considerably, and gets some decent new games from, third parties.

Are you kidding me? Are you new to video games? The Wii outsold all of its competitors withouth the so called "decent third parties".

I've been playing videogames since 1981, Nintendo kid.Y es, that's a whole lot of Wii's that went to a lot of old people, kids and mothers, only to collect dust for many years.

The same mistake in those high numbers simply wont happen lol.

EAEX (guest) said:
jcags said:
EAEX (guest) said:
CrystalMushroom said:
EAEX (guest) said:
Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

Oh look...A guest who is not a Nintendo fan but still wants to come to a Nintendo website to talk crap about them. Lovely.

The bolded text above is fact, not crap. The Wii U and Wii U games are selling very poorly around the globe, apparently in April it sold a measly 38,000 units.

Nobody with any sense will be interested in owning one until it drops in price considerably, and gets some decent new games from, third parties.

Are you kidding me? Are you new to video games? The Wii outsold all of its competitors withouth the so called "decent third parties".

I've been playing videogames since 1981, Nintendo kid.Y es, that's a whole lot of Wii's that went to a lot of old people, kids and mothers, only to collect dust for many years.

The same mistake in those high numbers simply wont happen lol.

"I've been playing videogames since 1981, Nintendo kid."

Then you wouldn't come here and bash them.

( Edited 22.05.2013 17:30 by CrystalMushroom )

EAEX (guest) said:
jcags said:
EAEX (guest) said:
CrystalMushroom said:
EAEX (guest) said:
Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

Oh look...A guest who is not a Nintendo fan but still wants to come to a Nintendo website to talk crap about them. Lovely.

The bolded text above is fact, not crap. The Wii U and Wii U games are selling very poorly around the globe, apparently in April it sold a measly 38,000 units.

Nobody with any sense will be interested in owning one until it drops in price considerably, and gets some decent new games from, third parties.

Are you kidding me? Are you new to video games? The Wii outsold all of its competitors withouth the so called "decent third parties".

I've been playing videogames since 1981, Nintendo kid.Y es, that's a whole lot of Wii's that went to a lot of old people, kids and mothers, only to collect dust for many years.

The same mistake in those high numbers simply wont happen lol.

Collecting dust? Have any proof of that? Because as far as I can remember MH3 and FFCC servers were always overloaded with people all the time, you need to learn to troll harder.

jcags said:
EAEX (guest) said:
jcags said:
EAEX (guest) said:
CrystalMushroom said:
EAEX (guest) said:
Ouya and Steambox alone will destroy it, let alone the other two consoles and the new tablet devices next year, which use the new hybrid cpu's. It will be laughable when most tablets are more powerful.

It's a joke of a console when a game which is no1 in the WiiU charts, has sold less than a 1000 copies.

Oh look...A guest who is not a Nintendo fan but still wants to come to a Nintendo website to talk crap about them. Lovely.

The bolded text above is fact, not crap. The Wii U and Wii U games are selling very poorly around the globe, apparently in April it sold a measly 38,000 units.

Nobody with any sense will be interested in owning one until it drops in price considerably, and gets some decent new games from, third parties.

Are you kidding me? Are you new to video games? The Wii outsold all of its competitors withouth the so called "decent third parties".

I've been playing videogames since 1981, Nintendo kid.Y es, that's a whole lot of Wii's that went to a lot of old people, kids and mothers, only to collect dust for many years.

The same mistake in those high numbers simply wont happen lol.

Collecting dust? Have any proof of that? Because as far as I can remember MH3 and FFCC servers were always overloaded with people all the time, you need to learn to troll harder.

My Wii and Wii U collect dust 24/7. I play them all the time, but for some reason they still collect dust. Maybe they are defective?

C'mon guys, I don't think we should take a guy with the letters E & A in his name seriously.

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