Next 3 Sonic Titles Exclusive To Nintendo Systems in Unprecedented Partnership

By Javier Jimenez 17.05.2013 14

Next 3 Sonic Titles Exclusive To Nintendo Systems in Unprecedented Partnership on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega has announced that the next 3 Sonic titles will be exclusive to Nintendo systems. John Cheng, President and COO of Sega America, stated that "Sonic the Hedgehog has proven incredibly successful on Nintendo platforms and we are pleased to continue our long-standing relationship with Nintendo. As we initiate this new exclusive partnership with the next three titles we believe that Wii U(TM) and Nintendo 3DS(TM) are ideal platforms to showcase the evolution of the Sonic brand."

Only the freshly announced Sonic Lost Worlds is known at this time. However, more details on the other games will be announced in the weeks leading up to E3. There seems to be a growing relationship between Sega and Nintendo. First a Yakuza 1+2 port to Wii U, then the exclusive Sonic Lost Worlds, and now this.

E3 can't get here soon enough!

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Confirmed that Mario & Sonic 2014 is the second game.

So just one more to be announced.
Considering there have always been exclusive Sonics on Nintendo systems, this doesn't seem all that unprecedented. Just another Sonic Colours type affair.

I hope they're good.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's not as unprecedented as the unprecedented Best Buy E3 demo partnership, but definitely more unprecedented than the unprecedented EA partnership.

( Edited 17.05.2013 18:53 by jres80 )

Let's hope that the games will pretty decent/main-line entries. SEGA can really deliver some good stuff for Nintendo. Imagine one day if Nintendo thought bollocks to this and just bought SEGA outright Smilie

Sonic for Smash?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well they've had time with 360/PS3 making fun Sonic games on likewise hardware - hopefully by now they'll know all the tricks and be able to get the best out of Wii U. 

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

SEGA All-Stars BATTLE ROYAL with Nintendo guest characters....calling it now.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Durer (guest) 18.05.2013#6

Three lame Sonic games then.

I'm not expecting Sega to deliver anything worth playing, unless they are working closely with Nintendo. I've been so disappointed with them over the past few years. When they collaborated with Nintendo on f-zero they came up with the goods though. 

Durer (guest) said:
Three lame Sonic games then.

Trepe said:
I'm not expecting Sega to deliver anything worth playing, unless they are working closely with Nintendo. I've been so disappointed with them over the past few years. When they collaborated with Nintendo on f-zero they came up with the goods though. 

Have you guys ever played Sonic Colours or Sonic Generations? Both are widely considered to be good games and got good reception across the board, even better reception than recent Resident Evil games got which I found humorous considering Resi still has a good reputation and people are still under the impression Sonic is bad.

Sonic had bad games and reputation in the mid-00s, that's for sure, but now that mediocrity might be a thing of the past.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Durer (guest) said:
Three lame Sonic games then.

Trepe said:
I'm not expecting Sega to deliver anything worth playing, unless they are working closely with Nintendo. I've been so disappointed with them over the past few years. When they collaborated with Nintendo on f-zero they came up with the goods though. 

Have you guys ever played Sonic Colours or Sonic Generations? Both are widely considered to be good games and got good reception across the board, even better reception than recent Resident Evil games got which I found humorous considering Resi still has a good reputation and people are still under the impression Sonic is bad.

Sonic had bad games and reputation in the mid-00s, that's for sure, but now that mediocrity might be a thing of the past.


No, I haven't played those games (although I have got the decidedly average Sonic Generations on the 3DS).  I've pretty much given up on them after buying so many average games. It'll take a lot for them to win me back. 

Trepe said:
No, I haven't played those games (although I have got the decidedly average Sonic Generations on the 3DS).  I've pretty much given up on them after buying so many average games. It'll take a lot for them to win me back. 

Generations 3DS and Colours DS were pretty average, but the console versions of both were widely considered to be good.

If you ever find them cheap, I'd recommend them, they're solid fun and well designed despite being quite short. And if that improvement, coupled with the fact this one has been in development for well over 2 years already is anything to go by, I'm pretty confident this'll be even better, especially if Nintendo has involvement.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Trepe said:
No, I haven't played those games (although I have got the decidedly average Sonic Generations on the 3DS).  I've pretty much given up on them after buying so many average games. It'll take a lot for them to win me back. 

Generations 3DS and Colours DS were pretty average, but the console versions of both were widely considered to be good.

If you ever find them cheap, I'd recommend them, they're solid fun and well designed despite being quite short. And if that improvement, coupled with the fact this one has been in development for well over 2 years already is anything to go by, I'm pretty confident this'll be even better, especially if Nintendo has involvement.

Ok. I might try them. But if they aren't good I'm coming after you! 

Trepe said:
SuperLink said:
Trepe said:
No, I haven't played those games (although I have got the decidedly average Sonic Generations on the 3DS).  I've pretty much given up on them after buying so many average games. It'll take a lot for them to win me back. 

Generations 3DS and Colours DS were pretty average, but the console versions of both were widely considered to be good.

If you ever find them cheap, I'd recommend them, they're solid fun and well designed despite being quite short. And if that improvement, coupled with the fact this one has been in development for well over 2 years already is anything to go by, I'm pretty confident this'll be even better, especially if Nintendo has involvement.

Ok. I might try them. But if they aren't good I'm coming after you! 

Don't forget to play Sonic & the Secret Rings, that was an enjoyable SONIC title from a gameplay stand point & YOU MUST play Sonic Rush 1 & 2 for DS. Both of those games feel like a fresh return to Sonic in the Genesis era!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Don't forget to play Sonic & the Secret Rings, that was an enjoyable SONIC title from a gameplay stand point & YOU MUST play Sonic Rush 1 & 2 for DS. Both of those games feel like a fresh return to Sonic in the Genesis era!!

I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree there, Rush was good, but plays nothing like Sonic 1-3.

And Secret Rings was uh.. ok. At least it was better than what was available on other platforms at the time, haha.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Vorash Kadan said:
Trepe said:
SuperLink said:
Trepe said:
No, I haven't played those games (although I have got the decidedly average Sonic Generations on the 3DS).  I've pretty much given up on them after buying so many average games. It'll take a lot for them to win me back. 

Generations 3DS and Colours DS were pretty average, but the console versions of both were widely considered to be good.

If you ever find them cheap, I'd recommend them, they're solid fun and well designed despite being quite short. And if that improvement, coupled with the fact this one has been in development for well over 2 years already is anything to go by, I'm pretty confident this'll be even better, especially if Nintendo has involvement.

Ok. I might try them. But if they aren't good I'm coming after you! 

Don't forget to play Sonic & the Secret Rings, that was an enjoyable SONIC title from a gameplay stand point & YOU MUST play Sonic Rush 1 & 2 for DS. Both of those games feel like a fresh return to Sonic in the Genesis era!!

I have Sonic Rush 1 & 2 and don't think much of them. They don't play like the older games & there are too many unavoidable deaths. They seem to focus on momentum more than they focus on gameplay. 

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