Nintendo Taking Action Towards YouTubers by Replacing Adverts

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2013 14

Nintendo Taking Action Towards YouTubers by Replacing Adverts on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Lights, camera, Nintendo have taken action towards playthrough/gameplay videos that are broadcasting on YouTube.

The largest video sharing network is packed to the brim with current and retro Nintendo titles being played by gamers with voice commentary. From Wii U to NES, most games have been covered and together with speedruns, offer insight into how players tackle all sorts of titles.

However Nintendo haven't requested YouTubers to remove their gameplay videos as it would certainly cause some uproar, but have issued a statement that it will display adverts on videos containing Nintendo content over a certain length.

These ads will appear at the beginning, next to or at the end of the videos.

We continually want our fans to enjoy sharing Nintendo content on YouTube, and that is why, unlike other entertainment companies, we have chosen not to block people using our intellectual property.

With that in mind though, it seems that Nintendo adverts will replace YouTuber adverts on those videos, cutting off a significant revenue stream for those affected.

What do you think of Nintendo's stance to playthroughs on YouTube?

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It seems to me that, with effort that goes into making those, it should be considered user created content, and not their property. How can they make benefits off our work like that with no compensation? I wonder how "legal" this is.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer


Yep - people, like yourself Rudy, could pour in hours and hours of work - with commentary, rendering, uploading, promotion for Nintendo to step in and make money.

People will look for ways around it - it's automated, this system I think, looks for registered music/frames - so as long as you mix it up a bit it should pass through as user-created. I had to argue that my SMB Wii U was user-created with these copyright goons! The GamePad cam I pop ontop I think justifies that it isn't just direct feed gameplay - hmm.

At least though they're not attempting to get people to take them down, thankfully. 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

RudyC3 said:
It seems to me that, with effort that goes into making those, it should be considered user created content, and not their property. How can they make benefits off our work like that with no compensation? I wonder how "legal" this is.

I'm assuming they're going by US law. If you're a corporation over here, you can do pretty much anything at fucking all and nobody can stop you. I mean, we put a multi-decade stop on the Public Domain just so great-grandchildren of 1920s jazz singers could stay rich off of their great-grandparents' work. Making money off of someone else is the new American dream.

I'm glad they're not forcing people to take their videos down (I stopped using YouTube when all of my videos got muted by record companies for using more than 4 seconds of a song) but this is still a dick move.

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justonesp00lturn said:
RudyC3 said:
It seems to me that, with effort that goes into making those, it should be considered user created content, and not their property. How can they make benefits off our work like that with no compensation? I wonder how "legal" this is.

I'm assuming they're going by US law. If you're a corporation over here, you can do pretty much anything at fucking all and nobody can stop you. I mean, we put a multi-decade stop on the Public Domain just so great-grandchildren of 1920s jazz singers could stay rich off of their great-grandparents' work. Making money off of someone else is the new American dream.

I'm glad they're not forcing people to take their videos down (I stopped using YouTube when all of my videos got muted by record companies for using more than 4 seconds of a song) but this is still a dick move.

At least its better than Sega, who actually removed videos and got a couple of channels taken down.

They still haven't given us a reason why they did that...

It seems to me that, with effort that goes into making those, it should be considered user created content, and not their property. How can they make benefits off our work like that with no compensation?.
 - Gamer's point of view

It seems to me that, with effort that goes into making those, it should be considered copyright protected content, and not their property. How can they make benefits off our work like that with no compensation?.
 -  Developer's point of view

This really doesn't bother me much, if anything this should HELP Nintendo's poor approach to advertising. Hopefully they'll also showcase info for key third party titles to help those sell to a better extent that will please devs.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Akhe (guest) 16.05.2013#9

Funny, MS did ti and we don't see any outrange. Sega was the worst. Hypocrisy on so many levels...

Oh yeah, is only for monetized videos!!

Making money from let's play videos seems stupid to me anyway, considering that every asset on the videos, except your voice, belongs to the copyright holders. Nintendo are not only in their right to do this and they're not removing your which is better than a portion of, IMO, a silly income source.

Chances are that the user would be interested in the ad as well though...i have to admit i saw the "More games promotion" on an YouTube video the other day and didn't skip.

People complain when Nintendo don't go forward with marketing techniques and then complain when they do...TV ads are expensive guys and probably don't deliver on their ROI...

At the end of the day i doubt any other companies/YouTube give the video creator any ad revenue...

One day Facebook will start selling your photos to magazines/newspapers and the like....

Everyone is at it...just get used to it, its not just Nintendo of today its The Future of the World Smilie

People, this is GOOD news. Nintendo now has a great way to advertise the Wii U among other products. And like people have said, they could have taken down those videos/channels like other companies have.

Good news, not bad. Good.

Wait, now I'm not sure what Nintendo's doing exactly. Because the way I read it on Eurogamer, Nintendo is just claiming all the advertisement revenue from the videos.

I can understand that, but I was hoping that Nintendo would just display Nintendo advertisements with the videos... That would have been smarter imo.

Canyarion said:
Wait, now I'm not sure what Nintendo's doing exactly. Because the way I read it on Eurogamer, Nintendo is just claiming all the advertisement revenue from the videos.

I can understand that, but I was hoping that Nintendo would just display Nintendo advertisements with the videos... That would have been smarter imo. belief reading this was that they were putting Nintendo ads up...not claiming the revenue from it...well thats interesting...

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