New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.05.2013 3

New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has released a new trailer for the upcoming Pokémon X & Y complete with an overload of new details.

The new region for the forthcoming Nintendo 3DS game has been confirmed as "Kalos", a new area that's shaped like a star. As with past locations, Kalos will contain "beautiful forests, thriving cities" and of course a range of new critters to meet, battle and catch. The main city itself will be known as Lumiose.

Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

The new details were revealed in the previous CoroCoro magazine, have been translated on the official website.

Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details


Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

A cowardly normal/electric Pokémon that cam generate enough electricity sunbathing to power machinery. Knows a new move, Parabolic Charge, where it can restore half the damage taken by the explosive new move.


Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

Sings with a beautiful chirp, friendly but unleashes relentless attacks.


Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

An intimidating fighting-type Pokémon with a plaful side. Knows a new move, Parting Shot, which lowers an opponent's attack/special attack with the ability to switch out for another Pokémon in an opponent's party during battle.


Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

A large Gass-type Pokémon that trainers can ride along the city on. Can use Horn Leech to recover HP equal to half the damage dealt by this move.

Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

A new Pokémon Pokédex design as also revealed, plus confirmation that players will be able to customise their trainer's look plus outfit for a more unique personality.

Finally the official box-art for Pokémon X & Y was revealed:

Image for New Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS Trailer, Art and Gameplay Details

Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are scheduled for a worldwide release this October.

Will you be boarding the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y train this October on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

Game Freak




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I've updated the official thread's first post.

I don't know about you guys, but after months of feeling pretty darn pessimistic about this game, all this new info has removed almost all of my pessimism. The overall presentation, the character, the vibrancy of the world, it's all here and so many of my doubts feel relieved.

I know this info hasn't been much groundbreaking, but I'm almost blown away. GameFreak are more on top of their game than I gave them credit for.

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The way your character looks around as they pass things, the way they walk and run, it's so full of charm and character and the visuals look much smoother than before.

Maybe I'm lavishing on the praise too heavily, but to me this doesn't even look like the same game we were shown months ago, I'm officially hyped! Not to mention the region looks huge and complex too.

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Does look really good, shaping up nicely! It's come about really quickly - eager to see more of these new changes/modernisations.

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