Customisable Pokémon Trainers in Pokémon X & Y 3DS, Plus for New Creatures Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.05.2013 4

Customisable Pokémon Trainers in Pokémon X & Y 3DS, Plus for New Creatures Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New details for Pokémon X & Y have surfaced from the latest issue of CoroCoro Magazine including four new Pokémon.

Translated by Serebii, these four new critters have been revealed as (in Japanese):

Image for Customisable Pokémon Trainers in Pokémon X & Y 3DS, Plus for New Creatures Revealed

1) Yayakoma - Japanese Robin Pokémon that's normal/flying type. It has a "beautiful voice" and can use "Flame Charge".

2) Yancham has been called a "naughty" Pokémon. Classed as fighting type it can learn  a useful new move called "Parting Remark" that lowers the opponent's stats and forces a switch.

3) Gogoat is Grass-type, can be ridden across the overworld and is capable of learning Horn Leech.

4) Elikiteru is a new lizard that's electric/normal type and capable of learning a new move called Parabola Charge - it selfheals whilst damaging opponent.

Also reported in this issue is the ability to customise your trainer by tweaking their hair colour and skin shade for the first time.

The main hub/city has been translated as "Miare".

Image for Customisable Pokémon Trainers in Pokémon X & Y 3DS, Plus for New Creatures Revealed

More Pokémon news is expected on the May 19th episode of Pokémon Smash.

What are your thoughts on these new Pokémon for Pokémon X and Y and customisable trainers?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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I actually really like all of those except maybe the bird thing. Do we really need a new normal/flying every generation?

I hope the customization goes a little deeper than that, but it's a cool first step.

NNID: crackedthesky
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myob (guest) 12.05.2013#2

we do bc ash always needs his flying bird Smilie

justonesp00lturn said:
I actually really like all of those except maybe the bird thing. Do we really need a new normal/flying every generation?

I hope the customization goes a little deeper than that, but it's a cool first step.

At least the new bird has something unique about it. Maybe one of the evolutions adds a fire typing. Even if not, a non-fire type that can use fire moves is interesting. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

I'm hoping the bird is not just another normal/flying type but a fire type. Either way, I'm really liking how the Pokemon are looking so far; knowing GF, those will most likely be the only customization options we'll end up with, though I still cannot help but be excited for this game - it's a bit revolutionary. Even if the trainers still have yet to move in any other directions besides cardinally. 

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