Euro VC 16/05 - Super Metroid, Resident Evil, Super Mario Bros. 2 and more

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.05.2013 7

Euro VC 16/05 - Super Metroid, Resident Evil, Super Mario Bros. 2 and more on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Nintendo eShop this week is lead by Super Metroid for 30p/€0.30, a demo for Resident Evil Revelations and discounted Tekken.

Fans can get their paws on a demo of the much anticipated HD version of Revelations, classic platforming in Super Mario Bros. 2 for the Wii U virtual console and the must-buy Super Metroid for just 30p/€0.30.All titles will be available on the European Nintendo eShop from 16th May (unless specified).

For more on Super Metroid be sure to watch Rudy's brilliant attempt at breaking is own 100% personal record without glitches/tools in our latest Cubed3 Plays video.

Nintendo Wii U eShop Titles





Price Point

Resident Evil Revelations Demo

Wii U   (



Super Mario Bros. 2

Wii U   (VC NES)



Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition

Wii U  (Disc/Download)


€29.99, was €54.99
 (£23.99, was £37.49)

Super Ghouls'n Ghosts

Wii U   (VC SNES)



Nintendo 3DS eShop Titles





Price Point

The Starship Damrey

Nintendo 3DS  eShop


€7.99 (£7.19)

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Nintendo 3DS



Mega Man 5

Nintendo 3DS  (VC NES)



Retro Pocket



€4.99 (£4.49)

Special Offers






Super Metroid

Wii U  (VC, SNES)

€0.30 (£0.30)

16/05/13 - 14/06/2013

BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien

Wii U

€8.99, was €11.99
 (£8.00, was £10.79)

16/05/13 - 30/05/2013

Planet Crashers 3D

Nintendo 3DS eShop

€6.99, was €9.99
 (£6.29, was £8.99)

16/05/13 - 30/05/2013

Which of these Nintendo Wii U and 3DS eShop titles will you be downloading this week?

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Super Metroid for 30p? Get in there!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

So if you get Super Metroid for 30p then how long do you get to keep it for? Just a month from purchase??

Flynnie said:
So if you get Super Metroid for 30p then how long do you get to keep it for? Just a month from purchase??
Forever... or until your Wii U breaks. Smilie Well, unless Nintendo brings out the unified account system before then.

Why would it be 30p and then just randomly be removed from your Wii U? That would be ludicrous!

Mush said:
Flynnie said:
So if you get Super Metroid for 30p then how long do you get to keep it for? Just a month from purchase??
Forever... or until your Wii U breaks. Smilie Well, unless Nintendo brings out the unified account system before then.

Why would it be 30p and then just randomly be removed from your Wii U? That would be ludicrous!

I have completely mis-understood this promotion from the start! I thought it was just a trial run of the full game for the month...sheesh, if i mis-understood this then I wonder how many 'norms' might have done as well...

Luckily i didn't really care for any of the others...i already have Balloon Flight on my 3DS, I have Fzero and Kirby adventure on the Wii VC, although would have been good to have gamepad support....

Oh wells...i can't believe i've been that silly to not do it!

Flynnie said:
I have completely mis-understood this promotion from the start! I thought it was just a trial run of the full game for the month...sheesh, if i mis-understood this then I wonder how many 'norms' might have done as well...

Luckily i didn't really care for any of the others...i already have Balloon Flight on my 3DS, I have Fzero and Kirby adventure on the Wii VC, although would have been good to have gamepad support....

Oh wells...i can't believe i've been that silly to not do it!

D'oh! Unlucky, man!

At least you found out that you keep the game forever before the best game of this promotion is released (I haven't played Super Metroid before, but I'm sure it's the best one out of the bunch. Smilie)

I've just bought all of them so far for 30p, because they have been pretty decent games.. and at 30p, they're pretty much nothing! Less than a Mars bar and the price of two Freddos nowadays. Smilie

Mush said:
Flynnie said:
I have completely mis-understood this promotion from the start! I thought it was just a trial run of the full game for the month...sheesh, if i mis-understood this then I wonder how many 'norms' might have done as well...

Luckily i didn't really care for any of the others...i already have Balloon Flight on my 3DS, I have Fzero and Kirby adventure on the Wii VC, although would have been good to have gamepad support....

Oh wells...i can't believe i've been that silly to not do it!

D'oh! Unlucky, man!

At least you found out that you keep the game forever before the best game of this promotion is released (I haven't played Super Metroid before, but I'm sure it's the best one out of the bunch. Smilie)

I've just bought all of them so far for 30p, because they have been pretty decent games.. and at 30p, they're pretty much nothing! Less than a Mars bar and the price of two Freddos nowadays. Smilie

Well i do have Super Metroid on my Wii VC as well, so worse comes to worse i would have ended up only paying a pound or two....although that would have been like 13 Freddo's! :O

I just got Kirby Adventure as that was still on the eShop...i will get Super Metroid as well at 30p!

( Edited 14.05.2013 21:10 by Flynnie )

Flynnie said:
I just got Kirby Adventure as that was still on the eShop...i will get Super Metroid as well at 30p!
Nice one! Smilie
Not sure If I'll get Mario & Yoshi or Donkey Kong though, but we'll see. Smilie

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