Q-Games President Dylan Cuthbert on Wii U and 3DS Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.05.2013 5

Q-Games President Dylan Cuthbert on Wii U and 3DS Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Q-Games president Dylan Cuthbert was recently interviewed about the studio's next generation plans.

Speaking to Siliconera, the man behind a number of Nintendo titles in the past including Star Wing / Star Fox was asked about plans to develop more titles for Nintendo 3DS.

The answer is "not at the moment" as Q-games has a fair bit of projects on the go, "so there won't be any 3DS in the immediate future, at least."

How about Digidrive, which has appeared on Game Boy Advance and DSiWare? A 3DS appearance is unlikely as "people on the 3DS are used to bigger games".

Finally, Cuthbert was probed on the Wii U development for both Japan, where the studio is based, and the West. He replied quite simply, "I think software" including "like new super IP, a  special IP that makes people really interested". That said, he feels assured that Nintendo "always come up with something. They are always very innovative", citing the original DS as an example of a system that "will sell a lot".

"Who would have known Wii Fit would have sold like 15 million units?", Cuthebert concluded.

What do you think of Dylan Cuthbert thoughts on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U development?

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"Who would have known Wii Fit would have sold like 15 million units?"

 Nintendo and obese people?

kingdom (guest) 11.05.2013#2

I did.

Dylan, I don't know how to tell you this, but... you have a fox growing out of your face.

Won Won (guest) 12.05.2013#4

Nintendo fans? Idiots?

jres80 said:
Dylan, I don't know how to tell you this, but... you have a fox growing out of your face.

Shhhh...its a recognised medical condition!

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