Ken Kutaragi, Former Sony Honcho, Joins Marvelous AQL

By Javier Jimenez 09.05.2013 6

Ken Kutaragi, Former Sony Honcho, Joins Marvelous AQL on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The "father of the PlayStation," Ken Kutaragi, will be joining Marvelous AQL as an "External Director." A big step away from designing the SNES sound chip and holding the reins of Sony Computer Entertainment, Kutaragi-san will officially assume his new role in June. The role of external director is usually one of advising and policy making, not day-to-day management, so it's unknown what impact this announcement brings.

"Crazy Ken," so named for some of his more outlandish quotes (e.g. "(PS3 is) for consumers to think to themselves, 'I will work more hours to buy one,' 'It's probably too cheap,' in response to the PS3's $599 price tag, and 'The PlayStation (3) is not a game machine. We've never once called it a game machine'), will be joining a company that releases a notable number of titles on Nintendo systems. Harvest Moon and Rune Factory are their chief Nintendo franchises. Marvelous also developed the recent Soul Sacrifice for the PlayStation Vita.

No word yet on whether this marks any sort of shift in platform focus at Marvelous AQL. More likely it is an honorary position for Kutaragi, who both brought Sony to video game prominence with the popular PlayStation 1 and 2 and oversaw the less successful PS3 and PSP launches. It should be noted Kutaragi also serves on the boards of several other entertainment companies in a similar fashion.

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Is this for real?

All of the Sony fans must be shitting themselves from fear.

Raiden (guest) 10.05.2013#2

CrystalMushroom said:
Is this for real?

All of the Sony fans must be shitting themselves from fear.

What? Why?

Raiden (guest) said:
CrystalMushroom said:
Is this for real?

All of the Sony fans must be shitting themselves from fear.

What? Why?

Alot of Sony fans don't like for things to go multiplat (FFXIII) or exclusive (Bayonetta 2). How do you think they're going to react when the creator of Playstation is making games for a Nintendo system?

Raiden (guest) 10.05.2013#4

FF13 was about Square Enix promising it will remain PS3 exclusive then slapping their fans in the face and delaying the game to launch simultaneously on 360. Think Rayman Legends. Don't tell me Nintendo fans didn't flip their shit after that news.

Bayonetta 2 is not about just "Sony fans" at all. Remember, Bayonetta was also on 360.

I fail to see the relationship between these two instances and a man who is merely only a technology advisor at Sony becoming an External Director at Marvelous. He's also a part of Kadokawa. I'll tel you how "Sony fans" will react: they won't care. It's hardly anything to care about.

Raiden (guest) said:
FF13 was about Square Enix promising it will remain PS3 exclusive then slapping their fans in the face and delaying the game to launch simultaneously on 360. Think Rayman Legends. Don't tell me Nintendo fans didn't flip their shit after that news.

Bayonetta 2 is not about just "Sony fans" at all. Remember, Bayonetta was also on 360.

I fail to see the relationship between these two instances and a man who is merely only a technology advisor at Sony becoming an External Director at Marvelous. He's also a part of Kadokawa. I'll tel you how "Sony fans" will react: they won't care. It's hardly anything to care about.

Yea, he's talking crap.

Jindo said:
Raiden (guest) said:
FF13 was about Square Enix promising it will remain PS3 exclusive then slapping their fans in the face and delaying the game to launch simultaneously on 360. Think Rayman Legends. Don't tell me Nintendo fans didn't flip their shit after that news.

Bayonetta 2 is not about just "Sony fans" at all. Remember, Bayonetta was also on 360.

I fail to see the relationship between these two instances and a man who is merely only a technology advisor at Sony becoming an External Director at Marvelous. He's also a part of Kadokawa. I'll tel you how "Sony fans" will react: they won't care. It's hardly anything to care about.

Yea, he's talking crap.

Uhh, that exactly what I said. How am I "talking crap?"

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