Conker's Bad Fur Day Had a Pikachu Cameo

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.05.2013 2


There was a moment in time when Pikachu had a very brief cameo in Conker's Bad Fur Day, beaten up by a gangster.

Dug up in an early uncut version of Conker's Bad Fur Day, the Nintendo 64 version, is a deleted scene where the poor electric mouse becomes harmed by a cigar smoking mob leader. "Gotta catch them all", he chuckles whilst Pikachu scurries away in search of Ash Ketchum. There were other scenes removed despite the 18 age rating, including an unfortunate incident involving a squirrel being operated whilst still conscious.


What do you think of Pikachu's brief role in Conker's Bad Fur Day - should it really have been cut?

Box art for Conker's Bad Fur Day





3D Platformer



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I can see why it was cut. That was rubbish! In fact, the whole scene was boring...which is surprising as I love that game.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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How does stuff like this only get discovered 12 years later?

Adam Riley said:
I can see why it was cut. That was rubbish! In fact, the whole scene was boring...which is surprising as I love that game.

I think back in 2001 that would have been quite funny to be fair...especially if they executed it properly!

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