Avalanche: Wii U Development Kits "Collecting Dust", Userbase too low

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.05.2013 8

Avalanche: Wii U Development Kits "Collecting Dust", Userbase too low on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sweedish developer Avalanche has been vocal recently on the Nintendo Wii U, with dev kids that are sitting "collecting dust".

The studio, known for the Just Cause series, was quizzed about potential Wii U development and confirmed that there are no plans to develop for Nintendo consoles at the moment.

Studio founder Christofer Sundberg noted that there were plans initially and that the Wii U is a "cool platform" but Nintendo themselves are "hard to reach, you never know how to contact them". The main move for the lack of Wii U support is the install base being too small to "take the risk of making a game for the Wii U" and that there are "several examples of this kind of skepticism amongst developers".

Sundberg hopes that Nintendo need to "take the same path as Sony" and reach out to try and bring more studios onto the Wii U train.

What are your thoughts on Sundberg's comments on Nintendo and Wii U development?

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1) Who the hell is Avalanche?
2) It's on you if your dev kits are collecting dust.
3) If you don't know how to contact Nintendo, how did you get your dev kits?

( Edited 09.05.2013 03:40 by Sonic_13 )

Don't developers get it? As soon as Nintendo's 'big guns' are released, the Wii U sales will really pick up. If they have good games ready then, they'll make a good profit.

Not developing games because the console isn't doing well NOW is just short-sighted.

kingdom (guest) 09.05.2013#3

Thought it was an indie studio and then saw just cause. Ha!

Oh humans!

Jindo (guest) 09.05.2013#4

Nintendo are very poor when it comes to interacting with third-party developers, even Ouya which isn't even out until next month (at less than half the cost of Wii U - $99), has a significantly larger developer list than Wii U's already.

When asked why they weren't developing games for the Wii U, the development studio answered "Just cause."

Jindo (guest) said:
Nintendo are very poor when it comes to interacting with third-party developers, even Ouya which isn't even out until next month (at less than half the cost of Wii U - $99), has a significantly larger developer list than Wii U's already.

Yeah, because it plays hundreds of phone apps that have already been out for a long time and are automatically compatible with the system because it's designed to play phone apps.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
Jindo (guest) said:
Nintendo are very poor when it comes to interacting with third-party developers, even Ouya which isn't even out until next month (at less than half the cost of Wii U - $99), has a significantly larger developer list than Wii U's already.

Yeah, because it plays hundreds of phone apps that have already been out for a long time and are automatically compatible with the system because it's designed to play phone apps.

No, I'm referring to the 1306 developers who pledged support on Kickstarter.

SirLink said:
When asked why they weren't developing games for the Wii U, the development studio answered "Just cause."
Terrible, just terrible. It did make me chuckle a bit, though. Smilie

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