EA Games Now Rules the Galaxy, Takes on Star Wars Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2013

EA Games Now Rules the Galaxy, Takes on Star Wars Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Darth Vadar is celebrating today as EA Games has secured a multi-year deal to take over the rights to the Star Wars games.

Announced earlier today, the agreement will allow EA to develop various different Star Wars themed titles for a "core gaming audience" across multiple platforms. However Disney itself will maintain the rights to develop more casual approaches on mobile, social and online games.

Amongst the different studios, DICE, BioWare and Visceral will be developing new Star Wars titles.

Disney didn't mention whether the currently lost titles Star Wars 1313 and First Assault would be picked up by one of the EA studios after the loss of high profile studio LucasArts.

With two of the biggest forces in entertainment shacking up, are you happy that EA has picked up the Star Wars license? What does this mean for Nintendo fans?

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