Watch the first Gameplay from Shadow of the Eternals - the Eternal Darkness Successor

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.05.2013 13

Watch the first Gameplay from Shadow of the Eternals - the Eternal Darkness Successor on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Precursor Games has launched their crowd-funding campaign for Shadow of the Eternals today, with the first Gameplay footage.

The upcoming spiritual successor to GameCube classic Eternal Darkness was announced last week as an episodic series under the Shadow of the Eternals brand.

The story will span over 2500 years of human history, where players will "question their own perception of reality as they progress through this mind-altering psychological horror".

The first episode, currently in development for Wii U and PC during Q3 2014, is titled "A Dream within a Dream" and follows detective Paul Becker as he's summoned to a brutal massacre in Louisiana. The clues lead Becker to the home of noblewoman Erzébet Bathory, who happens to be a notorious serial killer. You take on the role of her handmaiden and lover Clara with events that'll chain Clara's life forever.

Piece together this complex mystery using magick, combat and sanity to maintain a perception of reality in this horrific first episode.

Today the Canadian studio launched their crowd-funding campaign to support development plus posted the first snippets of in-game footage on IGN - which appears to be running on Wii U hardware, or have Wii U interface elements at least.

The campaign is aiming to conjure up $1,500,000 in just thirty days and the studio need your support.

What do you think of the first episode of Shadow of the Eternals? Will you be supporting the project?

Box art for Shadow of the Eternals








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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If I had the cash I'd donate in a heartbeat but alas I am of the lower middle class. I only hope enough fans canpool their resources to help this game get finished.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

$1.5 million is pretty darn huge, hope they can make it. Going pretty decently so far with 30k banked already. Nintendo do need to step in and help, looks great.

( Edited 06.05.2013 21:27 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I don't think they'll hit 1.5 million, but I think they said they can afford to hit a little lower than that.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

They also said they're keeping your money even if they decide not to make the game.

Our member of the week

It's the exact same chapel as in the chapter with Anthony, in Eternal Darkness. Plus, the hand of Jude? Charlemagne? It looks far more like a reboot but without the original brand attached to it, to me.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Canyarion said:
They also said they're keeping your money even if they decide not to make the game.

It is actually a little unclear whether you will be refunded or not if they decide to not make the game. Check out my post on the Wii U forum, and you will see what I mean.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Canyarion said:
They also said they're keeping your money even if they decide not to make the game.

Um, what? The site says:

Our financial goal is a flexible one.  All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality.  We are committed to making this game, however, if it becomes apparent that we cannot raise enough to develop this project then we will refund all pledges.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Darkflame (guest) 07.05.2013#8

I think they only meant that they would keep the money if they were under the target, but still feel they could make the game.
Some people misinterpreted it as they would keep the money even if they couldn't make the game.

justonesp00lturn said:
Canyarion said:
They also said they're keeping your money even if they decide not to make the game.

Um, what? The site says:

Our financial goal is a flexible one.  All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality.  We are committed to making this game, however, if it becomes apparent that we cannot raise enough to develop this project then we will refund all pledges.

Apparently they added that later.

Not sure to be honest, I saw another member here quote a part from their website.

Canyarion said:
Apparently they added that later.

Not sure to be honest, I saw another member here quote a part from their website.

Yeah, it does say it's been updated, so it was probably a lot less clear before they changed it, haha. I would definitely be wary of donating to someone if they made no guarantee they'd deliver the product or refund the money.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Funny how Erzébet Bathory totally sounds like Elizabeth Bathory, a real life serial killer.

jcags said:
Funny how Erzébet Bathory totally sounds like Elizabeth Bathory, a real life serial killer.

That is who she is. It says so in the commentary. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
Arena (guest) 12.05.2013#13

Yuk, It looks like a clunky current gen remake. Denis Dyack is desperate dude, no publisher will trust him anymore, and it's easy to see why.

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