Post-apocalyptic C-Wars Developer Authorised for Nintendo 3DS Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.05.2013

Post-apocalyptic C-Wars Developer Authorised for Nintendo 3DS Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie pixel-based post-apocalyptic strategy game C-Wars has been authorised for a release on Nintendo 3DS.

The Kickstarter campaign, which is closing in on its Nintendo 3DS stretch goal, is for a real-time strategy/action game where humanity has been forced to live on the moon but a virus outbreak has forced zombies on the new colony. It's currently in development for PC, Mac, Apple iOS and Android.

The group behind C-Wars, Onipunks, has confirmed that they've been authorised by Nintendo as a develoer fro Nintendo 3DS.

We are so excited to develop C-Wars for Nintendo! Making console games is our dream and primary reason we entered the game industry.

With that in mind, it's more than likely that C-Wars will appear on the Nintendo 3DS at somepoint regardless if the the stretch goal is met or not.


What do you think of the C-Wars post-apocalyptic concept?

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